Professor Scott Lash is the Director of the Centre for Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths College, as well as a a project leader in the Goldsmiths Media Research Programme. He is a leading name within sociology and cultural studies, has written numerous books and articles over the last twenty years, and is currently the managing editor for the journal Theory, Culture and Society.
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Recognition and Difference - Scott Lash and Mike Featherstone Politics, Identity, Multiculture PART ONE: RECOGNITION Recognition without Ethics? - Nancy Fraser Recognition or Redistribution? - Axel Honneth Changing Perspectives on the Moral Order of Society Recognition and the Politics of Human(e) Desire - Majid Yar Oh, My Others! There Is No Other - John O'Neill Capital Culture, Class and Other-Wiseness Towards a Citizen's Welfare State - Ruth Lister The 3 + 2 `R's of Welfare Reform From Community to Coalition - Sylvia Walby The Politics of Recognition as the Handmaiden of the Politics of Equality in an Era of Globalization PART TWO: DIFFERENCE The Great War of Recognition - Zygmunt Bauman Joined-Up Politics and Post-Colonial Melancholia - Paul Gilroy Vertigo and Emancipation - Francoise Verges Creole Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Politics Nuestra America - Boaventura de Sousa Santos Reinventing a Subaltern Paradigm of Recognition and Redistribution Hybridity, So What? - Jan Nederveen Pieterse The Anti-Hybridity Backlash and the Riddles of Recognition Complex Choreography - Sallie Westwood Poliltcs and Regimes of Recognition Dyscivilization, Mass Extermination and the State - Abram De Swaan