My background includes undergraduate and Masters degrees in English Literature from the universities of Keele and Leeds , and a further Masters in Organization Development and PhD from what is now Sheffield Hallam University . More recently I was awarded a D.LItt from Durham University . I have held Chairs in Wollongong (NSW), Sunderland . Essex and Durham before moving to York . I also spent 2 years as a Visting Scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

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Introduction - Stephen Linstead Opening Up Paths to a Passionate Postmodernism Michel Foucault - David Knights Jacques Derrida - Campbell Jones Jean-Fran[ce]cois Lyotard - Hugo Letiche with Juup Essers Julia Kristeva - Heather H[um]opfl Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari - Pippa Carter and Norman Jackson Jean Baudrillard - Hugo Letiche Gianni Vattimo, Umberto Eco and Franco Rella - Assunta Viteritti Getting Past the Post? Recalling Ismism - Stephen Linstead