Lesbian and Gay Studies


An Introductory, Interdisciplinary Approach

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Edited by Theo Sandfort, Judith Schuyf, Jan Willem Duyvendak, Jeffrey Weeks
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Theo Sandfort, trained as a social psychologist, was a tenured, Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, and Director of the Research Program "Diversity, Lifestyles and Health" at the Netherlands Institute of Social Sexological Research (NISSO). Since 2001 he is Associate Professor and Research Scientist at the HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies. Since his time as a graduate student Theo Sandfort has been involved in numerous basic and applied empirical investigations in the field of sexuality and health. He has worked as interviewer, research assistant, principal investigator and project leader. In terms of research methods he is skilled in both quantitative and qualitative approaches. He was involved in large as well as small-scale studies, aimed at surveying sexual behavior and attitudes, identifying determinants of health behavior, needs assessments, evaluating mass media and small-scale health interventions, and identifying the epidemiology of mental disorders. While in the Netherlands, Dr. Sandfort acquired grants from national and local Dutch government, semi-governmental agencies, non-profit organizations as well as the industry. He has successfully received funding for over twenty-five studies, the largest of which have been Psychosocial Core of the Amsterdam Gay Cohort Studies (1992-1998), Monitoring the Effects of the Mass Media Safe Sex Campaigns (1992-2001), Sexual Harassment and Minorities in the Dutch Police Force (1998-2001). Dr. Sandfort is on the Editorial Board of several academic journals, including AIDS Care, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Culture, Health and Sexuality, International Journal of Sexual Health, Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, Sexualities, Sexuality Research and Social Policy, and Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie (Dutch Journal of Sexology). He served as President of the the International Academy of Sex Research and the Dutch Society of Sexology. In 2008, he received the John Money Award from the Society of the Scientific Study of Sexuality for his research work. Jeffrey Weeks OBE (born 1945, in Rhondda, Wales) is a historian and sociologist specialising in work on sexuality, and is also a gay activist.

The Challenge of Lesbian and Gay Studies - Jeffrey Weeks Homosexuality, Psychology, and Gay and Lesbian Studies - Theo Sandfort Mapping the Sociological Gay - Ken Plummer Past, Presents and Futures of a Sociology of Same-Sex Relations Hidden from History? Homosexuality and the Historical Sciences - Judith Schuyf Queering Anthropology - Gert Hekma Homo Legalis - Leslie J Moran Lesbian and Gay in Legal Studies The Private and the Public - Andr[ac]e Krouwel and Jan Willem Duyvendak Gay and Lesbian Issues in Political Science Geographies of Sexuality - Jon Binnie and Gill Valentine A Review of Progress Gay Male Literary Studies - Marco Pustianaz Lesbian Literary Studies - Liana Borghi Fashionably Queer - Ren[ac]ee C Hoogland Lesbian and Gay Cultural Studies Crossing Borders - Theo Sandfort and Hansje Galesloot A Debate on the Perspectives of Women's Studies and Gay and Lesbian Studies Fighting the Epidemic - Rommel Mend[gr]es-Leite and Onno de Zwart Social AIDS Studies Conclusion - Judith Schuyf and Theo Sandfort Gay and Lesbian Studies at a Crossroads

`The collection attempts to summarise research and theory on lesbian and gay isseus in these diverse disciplines and to give the reader a better idea of the scope and possibilities for growth in lesbian and gay studies. To achieve this, each author has written a chapter on lesbian and gay studies from their own disciplinary perspective. This has produced an eclectic mix of papers with a Eurocentric focus...most of the chapters are useful in that they give the reader a sense of how lesbian and gay-related research has been carried out historically within different fields and what the current "state of play" is in each area. The majority of chapters have comprehensive bibliographies and therefore make good "jumping-off points" for interested readers' - Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review

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