PART ONE: KNOWLEDGE, CREATION AND LEADERSHIP SECI, Ba and Leadership - Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyama and Noboru Konno A Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation Structure and Spontaneity; Knowledge and Organization - John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid Self-Transcending Knowledge - Claus Otto Scharmer Organizing Around Emerging Realities Understanding the Creative Process - Charlan Jeanne Nemeth and Lauren Nemeth Management of the Knowledge Worker A Mentality Theory of Knowledge Creation and Transfer - Kaiping Peng and Satoshi Akutsu Why Some Smart People Resist New Ideas and Some Don't PART TWO: FIRMS, MARKETS AND INNOVATION Strategies for Managing Knowledge Assets - David J Teece The Role of Firm Structure and Industrial Context Knowledge and Organization - Robert M Grant How Should Knowledge Be Owned? - Charles Leadbeater Following Distinctive Paths of Knowledge - Fiona E Murray Strategies for Organizational Knowledge-Building Within Science-Based Firms The Modularity Trap - Henry W Chesbrough and Ken Kunsunoki Innovation, Technology Phase shifts and the Resulting Limits of Virtual Organizations PART THREE: MANAGING KNOWLEDGE AND TRANSFORMATION Can Knowledge Management Deliver Bottom Line Results - Charles Lucier and Janet D Torsilieri How Tacit Knowledge Explains Organizational Renewal and Growth - Seija Kulkki and Mikko Kosonen The Case of Nokia The Knowledge Perspective in the Xerox Group - Kazue Kikawada and Dan Holthouse Towards a Univeral Management of the Concept of Knowledge - Hirotaka Takeuchi Research Directions for Knowledge Management - David J Teece and Ikujiro Nonako