Jeffrey Alexander is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Los Angeles

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Introduction - Jeffrey C Alexander Civil Society I, II, III: Constructing an Empirical Concept from Normative Controversies and Historical Transformations PART ONE: UNCIVIL HIERARCHIES Banfield's Amoral Familism Revisited - Elisa P Reis Implications of High Inequality Structures for Civil Society Between Economic Dissolution and the Return of the Social - Michael Pusey The Contest for Civil Society in Australia Civil Society, Patronage, and Democracy - Luis Roniger Civil Society and Uncivil Organizations - G[um]oran Ahrne PART TWO: BIFURCATING DISCOURSES Citizen and Enemy as Symbolic Classification - Jeffrey C Alexander On the Polarizing Discourse of Civil Society Barbarism and Civility in the Discourses of Fascism, Communism and Democracy - Philip Smith Variations on a Set of Themes The Racial Discourse of Civil Society - Ronald N Jacobs The Rodney King Affair and the City of Los Angeles PART THREE: ARBITRARY FOUNDINGS Neither Faith nor Commerce - David Zaret Printing and the Unintended Origins of English Public Opinion Mistrusting Civility - Piotr Sztompka Predicament of Post-Communist Society The Public Sphere and a European Civil Society - V[ac]ictor P[ac]erez-D[ac]iaz