Introduction - Georg von Krogh, Johan Roos and Dirk Kleine PART ONE: UNDERSTANDING KNOWLEDGE IN ORGANIZATIONS Tough Questions on Knowledge Management - Thomas Bertels and Charles M Savage Future Research into Knowledge Management - Markus Venzin, Georg von Krogh and Johan Roos Knowledge, Organizations and Competition - Frank Blackler, Norman Crump and Seonaidh McDonald Organizational Knowledge and Learning - Rodrigo Magalh[ti]aes Knowledge and the Concept of Trust - Lars Huemer, Georg von Krogh and Johan Roos PART TWO: MANAGING AND MEASURING KNOWLEDGE IN ORGANIZATIONS Three Tales of Knowledge-Creating Companies - Ikujiro Nonaka, Katsuhiro Umemoto and Keigo Sasaki Knowledge Enablers - Kazuo Ichijo, Georg von Krogh and Ikujiro Nonaka Errors and Learning in Organizations - Salvatore Vicari and Gabriele Troilo The Knowledge Spiral - J[um]urgen Sch[um]uppel, G[um]unter M[um]uller-Stewens and Peter Gomez Knowledge as a Strategic Resource - Gilbert Probst, Bettina B[um]uchel and Steffen Raub Competing with Intellectual Capital - Donald A Marchand The Learning-Knowledge-Value Cycle - Valery Kanevsky and Tom Housel

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