The Practice of Cultural Studies


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By Richard Johnson, Deborah Chambers, Parvati Raghuram, Estella Tincknell
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Deborah Chambers is a Reader in Sociology of Culture and Communication, Department of English and Media Studies, at Nottingham Trent University. My research interests focus on the ways in which the mobility of individuals, goods and ideas is reshaping the world. Most of the work I have done so far has focused on how people experience and negotiate globalisation, especially as they move as gendered workers in sectors where the 'knowledge' of global knowledge societies is embodied and embedded: sectors such as medicine, education and the IT sector. The mobility and meanings of goods is an area I have explored in my work on Asian women and fashion. In the future I would like to examine how these mobilities are underlain by ideas such as developmentalism in order to explore how they reproduce, alter and challenge gendered subjectivities of migrants. My key concern here is to understand the implications of these ways of thinking for class and race politics and the ways in which postcolonial theory can provide a route into such thinking. Alongside these issues I have also kept up an interest in methodological and epistemological issues.

SECTION I Introduction Cultural Studies and the Study of Culture Disciplines and Dialogues Multiplying Methods From Pluralism to Combination Method and the Researching Self The Research Process: Moments and Strategies SECTION II Theory in the Practice of Research Make Space! Spatial Dimensions in Cultural Research Time Please! Historical Perspectives Culture, Power and the Economic SECTION III Introduction Reading Popular Narratives From Structure to Context Reading Texts of/for Dominance Reading Fictions, Reading Histories SECTION IV Introduction Meetings Researching Others From Auto/Biography to Ethnography Representing the Other Interpretation and Cultural Readings Integrating Methods: From Audiences to Subjectivities

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