Alan Bryman is Professor of Organizational and Social Research, School of Management, University of Leicester, UK.

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VOLUME ONE: FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PART ONE: PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES The Fundamental Concepts of Sociology - Max Weber What Is Wrong with Social Theory? - Herbert Blumer PART TWO: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH The Debate about Quantitative and Qualitative Research - Alan Bryman Deconstructing the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide - Martyn Hammersley Attitudes toward Needle `Sharing' among Injection Drug Users - Robert G Carlson et al Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods PART THREE: DEFINING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Real Men Don't Collect Soft Data - Silvia Gherardi and Barry Turner Method Talk - Jaber F Gubrium and James A Holstein PART FOUR: RESEARCH DESIGN Building Theories from Case Study Research - Kathleen M Eisenhardt What Can Case Studies Do? - Jennifer Platt Case and Situation Analysis - J Clyde Mitchell PART FIVE: THE RESEARCH PROCESS Library Access, Library Use and User Education in Academic Sixth Forms - Lawrence Stenhouse An Autobiographical Account Scholarship and Sponsored Research - Robert G Burgess Contradiction, Continuum or Complementary Activity Hired Hand Research - Julius A Roth PART SIX: GAINING RESEARCH ACCESS The Study of Southern Labor Unions Organizing Campaigns - Donald Roy Playing Back the Tape - John Van Maanen Early Days in the Field PART SEVEN: SAMPLING Decision Taking in the Fieldwork Process - Janet Finch and Jennifer Mason Theoretical Sampling and Collaborative Working Strategy for Getting Organized - Leonard Schatzman and Anselm L Strauss PART EIGHT: USING INFORMANTS In the Company of Teachers - Robert G Burgess Key Informants and the Study of a Comprehensive School Key Informant Interviews - Valerie J Gilchrist VOLUME TWO: METHODS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PART ONE: PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION Participant Observation - Paul Rock The Participant-Observer as a Human Being - Herbert J Gans Observations on the Personal Aspects of Field Work Problems of Inference and Proof in Participant Observation - Howard S Becker PART TWO: INTERVIEWING `It's Great to Have Someone to Talk to' - Janet Finch The Ethics and Politics of Interviewing Women Experience and Knowledge - Marianne A Paget Active Interviewing - James A Holstein and Jaber F Gubrium PART THREE: FOCUS GROUPS The Focused Interview and Focus Groups - Robert K Merton Continuities and Discontinuities The Methodology of Focus Groups - Jenny Kitzinger The Importance of Interaction between Research Participants PART FOUR: LIFE HISTORY AND ORAL HISTORY On Auto/Biography in Sociology - Liz Stanley Introduction to The Jack Roller - Howard S Becker Movement without Aim - Ronald J Grele Methodological and Theoretical Problems in Oral History Is Oral History Auto/Biography? - Joanna Bornat PART FIVE: DOCUMENTARY RESEARCH Evidence and Proof in Documentary Research - Jennifer Platt 1 Some Specific Problems of Documentary Research Evidence and Proof in Documentary Research - Jennifer Platt 2 Some Shared Problems of Documentary Research Qualitative Media Analysis - David L Altheide PART SIX: DIARIES Keeping a Research Diary - Robert G Burgess Public and Private Meanings in Diaries - Linda Bell Researching Family and Childcare PART SEVEN: PHOTOGRAPHS, FILMS AND VIDEO Finding a Silent Voice for the Researcher - Rob Walker Using Photographs in Evaluation and Research Film-Making and Ethnographic Research - Paul Henley PART EIGHT: CONVERSATION AND DISCOURSE ANALYSIS Discourse Analysis as a Way of Analyzing Naturally Occurring Talk - Jonathan Potter Analyzing Conversation - David Silverman An Initial Investigation of the Usability of Conversational Data for Doing Sociology - Harvey Sacks VOLUME THREE: ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF QUALITATIVE DATA PART ONE: FIELDWORK NOTES AND TRANSCRIPTS Data Logging in Observation - John Lofland and Lyn H Lofland Fieldnotes Transcription Quality as an Aspect of Rigor in Qualitative Research - Blake D Poland First Days in the Field - Blanche Geer PART TWO: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THEORY AND DATA IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH What's Wrong with Ethnography? The Myth of Theoretical Description - Martyn Hammersley Grounded Theory Methodology - Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin An Overview Temporality and Identity Loss Due to Alzheimer's Disease - Celia J Orona PART THREE: ANALYTIC STRATEGIES The Logical Sructure of Analytic Induction - W S Robinson Symbolic Interactionism - Robin Williams The Fusion of Theory and Research? Some Guidelines for the Phenomenological Analysis of Interview Data - Richard H Hycner PART FOUR: COMPUTERS IN QUALITATIVE DATA ANALYSIS Qualitative Data Analysis - Amanda Coffey, Beverley Holbrook and Paul Atkinson Technologies and Representations NUD?IST in Action - K Buston Its Use and Its Usefulness in a Study of Chronic Illness in Young People PART FIVE: NARRATIVE ANALYSIS Sociological and Sociolinguistic Models of Narrative - Martin Cortazzi Sounds of Still Voices - Tim Booth Issues in the Use of Narrative Methods with People Who Have Learning Difficulties The Codes of the Dead - Stephen R Barley The Semiotics of Funeral Work Dreams, Visions and Commercial Spaces - Mark Gottdiener PART SIX: POSTMODERNISM MEETS ETHNOGRAPHY On Ethnographic Authority - James Clifford Evaluating Qualitative Research in the Poststructural Moment - Norman K Denzin The Lessons James Joyce Teaches Us The Challenges of Postmodernism - Peter K Manning PART SEVEN: WRITING Thick Description - Clifford Geertz Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture Appealing Work - Karen Golden-Biddle and Karen Locke An Investigation of How Ethnographic Texts Convince PART EIGHT: VALIDATION ISSUES Establishing Trustworthiness - Yvonna S Lincoln and Egon Guba On the Analysis of Observational Data - Michael Bloor A Discussion of the Worth and Uses of Inductive Techniques and Respondent Validation PART NINE: QUALITATIVE DATA AND ARCHIVING Qualitative Data Archiving - Martyn Hammersley Some Reflections on Its Prospects and Problems Archiving Qualitative Research Data - Louise Corti, Janet Foster and Paul Thompson VOLUME FOUR: ISSUES IN QUALITATIVE RESEARCH PART ONE: ETHICAL ISSUES Ethical Problems in Social Research - Martin Bulmer The Case of Covert Participant Observation The Ethics of Deception in Social Research - Erich Goode A Case Study Whose Side Are We on? - Howard S Becker PART TWO: ISSUES OF GENDER AND FEMINISM Interviewing Women - Ann Oakley A Contradiction in Terms Toward a Methodology for Feminist Research - Maria Mies Talking and Listening from Women's Standpoint - Marjorie L DeVault Feminist Strategies for Interviewing and Analysis PART THREE: CULTURAL DIFFERENCE Commonality, Difference and the Dynamics of Disclosure in In-Depth Interviewing - Miri Song and David Parker Studying across Difference - Margaret L Anderson Race, Class and Gender in Qualitative Research PART FOUR: QUALITATIVE EVALUATION RESEARCH The Nature of Qualitative Enquiry - Michael Quinn Patton Ethnographic Contributions to Evaluation Research - Michael S Knapp The Experimental Schools Program Evaluation and Some Alternatives PART FIVE: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH AND POLICY Developing Policy-Oriented Qualitative Research - Janet Finch Disparities in the Social Construction of Long-Term Care - Rhoda Hurst Rojiani PART SIX: ACTION RESEARCH Action Research - Alison Kelly What Is It and What Can It Do? An Action Research Approach to Workplace Health - Margrit K Hugentobler, Barbara A Israel and Susan J Schurman Integrating Methods PART SEVEN: PRACTITIONER RESEARCH Doubts, Dilemmas and Diary-Keeping - Gordon Griffiths Some Reflections on Teacher-Based Research Ethnography Addressing the Practitioner - Michael Bloor and Neil McKeganey PART EIGHT: GETTING OUT Leaving the Field - Stephen J Taylor Research, Relationships and Responsibilities Leaving the Newsroom - David L Altheide PART NINE: DISSEMINATION The British Association Scandal - D H J Morgan The Effect of Publicity on a Sociological Investigation The Sociologist as Celebrity - Peter Adler The Role of the Media in Field Research PART TEN: RESTUDIES Studying and Restudying Bishop McGregor School - Robert G Burgess Street Corner Society - W A Marianne Boelen Cornerville Revisited In Defense of Street Corner Society - William Foote Whyte