RESEARCH aND TEACHING INTERESTS Quantitative Analysis Techniques, Longitudinal Methods; Aging & Social Change; Public Policy and Aging. Social Inequality, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. "Workforce aging in the new economy: A comparative study of information technology employment" (Julie A. McMullin, PI; Victor Marshall, Joann Marshall, University of North Carolina; Neil Charness, Florida State University). October 2002 - September 2006. Work and Retirement, including the influence of organizational incentives, pensions, family decision-making, health, job satisfaction; Public Policy, including Social Security, the Age Discrimination and Employment Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, Medicare and Medicaid; Political Attitudes, including analysis of social change and individual aging; Women's Issues and Aging, including poverty and financial security, caregiving, long-term care, intergenerational assistance, and health; Cognitive Components of Saving and Investment behavior, including planning horizon, discounting, risk tolerance, deferred gratification; Older Workers, including training, displacement, work schedules, job demands, organizational incentive structures. Alan Bryman is Professor of Organizational and Social Research, School of Management, University of Leicester, UK.
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Introduction - Melissa A Hardy and Alan Bryman Common Threads among Techniques of Data Analysis PART ONE: FOUNDATIONS Constructing Variables - Alan Bryman and Duncan Cramer Summarizing Distributions - Melissa A Hardy Inference - Lawrence Hazelrigg Strategies for Analysis of Incomplete Data - Mortaza Jamshidian Feminist Issues in Data Analysis - Mary Maynard Historical Analysis - Dennis Smith PART TWO: THE GENERAL LINEAR MODEL AND EXTENSIONS Multiple Regression Analysis - Ross M Stolzenberg Incorporating Categorical Information into Regression Models - Melissa A Hardy and John Reynolds The Utility of Dummy Variables Analyzing Contingent Effects in Regression Models - James Jaccard and Tonya Dodge Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes - J Scott Long and Simon Cheng Log Linear Analysis - Douglas L Anderton and Eric Cheney PART THREE: LONGITUDINAL MODELS Modeling Change - Nancy Brandon Tuma Analyzing Panel Data - Trond Petersen Fixed- and Random-Effects Models Longitudinal Analysis for Continuous Outcomes - Guang Guo and John Hipp Random Effects Models and Latent Trajectory Models Event History Analysis - Paul Allison Sequence Analysis and Optimal Matching Techniques for Social Science Data - Heather MacIndoe and Andrew Abbott PART FOUR: NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN MODELING Sample Selection Bias Models - Vincent Kang Fu, Christopher Winship and Robert D Mare Structural Equation Modeling - Jodie B Ullman and Peter M Bentler Multilevel Modeling - William Browne and J Rasbash Causal Inference in Sociological Studies - Christopher Winship and Michael Sobel The Analysis of Social Networks - Ronald L Breiger PART FIVE: ANALYZING QUALITATIVE DATA Tools of Qualitative Data Analysis - Raymond M Lee and Nigel G Fielding Content Analysis - Roberto P Franzosi Semiotics and Data Analysis - Peter K Manning Conversation Analysis - Steve E Clayman and Virginia Teas Gill Discourse Analysis - Jonathan Potter Grounded Theory - Nick Pidgeon and Karen Henwood The Uses of Narrative in Social Science Research - Barbara Czarniawska Qualitative Research and the Postmodern Turn - Sara Delamont and Paul Atkinson