PART ONE: APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF POLITICAL THEORY Ideology, Political Theory and Political Philosophy - Michael Freeden History and the Interpretation of Texts - Terence Ball Straussian Approaches to the Study of Politics - Thomas L Pangle Postmodern Approaches to Political Theory - Jane Benett Positive Political Theory - H Donald Forbes PART TWO: POLITICAL THEORIES A Future for Marxism? - Andrew Levine Liberalism, Political and Comprehensive - Jeremy Waldron The Diversity of Comprehensive Liberalisms - Gerald F Gaus Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism - Eric Mack and Gerald F Gaus The Liberty Tradition Conservative Theories - John Kekes Democratic Political Theory - John S Dryzek Discourse Theory - James Bohman Communitarianism and Republicanism - Richard Dagger Green Political Theory - John Barry and Andrew Dobson A Report PART THREE: THE MODERN STATE The Modern State - Christopher W Morris The Political Theory of the Welfare State - J Donald Moon Distributive Justice - Julian Lamont Pluralism and Liberalism - Fred D'Agostino Nationalism and Multiculturalism - Chandran Kukathas New Social Movements - David West Feminism and Gender Theory - V[ac]eronique Mottier The Return of the State Political Theory and International Relations - Chris Brown PART FOUR: THE HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT Ancient Greek Political Thought - David Keyt and Fred D Miller Jnr Pre-modern Chinese Political Thought - Helen Dunstan Medieval Political Theory - John Kilcullen Political Theory of the Renaissance and Enlightenment - Frederick G Whelan Modern Islamic Political Thought - Michaelle Browers European Political Thought in the Nineteenth Century - Raymond Plant Political Thought in Continental Europe During the Twentieth Century - Richard Bellamy, Jeremy Jennings and Peter Lassman English Political Theory in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries - David Weinstein
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"This volume combines remarkable coverage and distinguished contributors. The inclusion of thematic, conceptual, and historical chapters will make it a valuable resource for scholars as well as students" Professor George Klosko, Department of Politics, University of Virginia"