Body Modification


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Edited by Mike Featherstone
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Mike Featherstone is Professor of Communications and Sociology at Nottingham Trent University. CONTRIBUTORS OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA : Zygmunt Bauman University of Leeds Henning Bech University of Copenhagen Elizabeth Beck-Gernsheim Universtiy of Erlangen Mary Evans University of Kent at Canterbury David Frisby University of Glasgow Mike Hepworth University of Aberdeen Eva Illouz Tel-Aviv University Maria Esther Maciel Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Michael Richardson SOAS, University of London Laura Rival University of Kent at Canterbury Andrew Travers Somerset Jeffrey Weeks South Bank University Sasha Weitman Tel-Aviv University Sam Whimster London Guildhall University Elizabeth Wilson University of North London Cas Wouters University of Utrecht

Body Modification - Mike Featherstone An Introduction 'Modern Primitivism' - Christian Klesse Non-Mainstream Body Modification and Racialized Representation The Possibility of Primitiveness - Bryan S Turner Towards a Sociology of Body Marks in Cool Societies Anchoring the (Postmodern) Self? Body Modification, Fashion and Identity - Paul Sweetman This Body Which Is Not One - Margrit Shildrick Dealing with Differences Marinetti, Chopin, Stelarc and the Auratic Intensities of the Postmodern Techno-Body - Nicholas Zurbrugg Parasite Visions - Stelarc Alternate, Intimate and Involuntary Experiences In Dialogue with 'Posthuman' Bodies - Ross Farnell An Interview with Stelarc An Order of Pure Decision - Jane Goodall Un-Natural Selection in the Work of Stelarc and Orlan Serene and Happy and Distant - Robert Ayers An Interview with Orlan The Sacrificial Body of Orlan - Julie Clarke Citation and Subjectivity - Roy Boyne Towards a Return of the Embodied Will Interaction Order and Beyond - Roberta Sassatelli A Field Analysis of Body Culture within Fitness Gyms The Body as Outlaw - Neal Curtis Lyotard, Kafka and the Visible Human Project Creating 'The Perfect Body' - Lee Monaghan A Variable Project Body Modification, Self-Mutilation and Agency in Media Accounts of a Subculture - Victoria Pitts Tattoos and Heroin - Kevin McCarron A Literary Approach Performing the Technoscientific Body - Eugene Thacker Real Video Surgery and the Anatomy Theatre

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