Mike Gane is Professor of Sociology at University of Loughborough

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A Challenge To Theory Introduction to Jean Baudrillard PART ONE: THEORETICAL ISSUES Toward a Politics of Signs - Jean-Claude Giradin Reading Baudrillard Baudrillard's Noble Anthropology - Robert Hefner The Image of Symbolic Exchange in Political Economy Baudrillard's Challenge - Charles Levin and Arthur Kroker A Note on Nostalgia - Bryan S Turner Boundaries and Borderlines - Douglas Kellner Reflections on Jean Baudrillard and Critical Theory Report - David Revill Jean Baudrillard `Why Should We Talk When We Communicate So Well?' - Arthur Kroker Baudrillard's Enchanted Simulation Forget Baudrillard? - Barry Sandywell Jean Baudrillard - Paul Sutton Transintellectual? Baudrillard's Nihilism and the End of Theory - Anthony King Sign and Commodity - Andrew Wernick Aspects of the Cultural Dynamic of Advanced Capitalism The End of Geography and Radical Politics in Baudrillard's Philosophy - Richard G Smith PART TWO: POSTMODERNISM Cultural Change and Social Practice - Mike Featherstone Baudrillard, Semiurgy and Death - Douglas Kellner Panic Baudrillard - Arthur Kroker The Commodification of Reality and the Reality of Commodification - Steven Best Baudrillard, Debord, and Postmodern Theory On the Disorder of Things - Barry Smart Sociology, Postmodernity and the 'End of the Social' Ironies of Postmodernism - Mike Gane Fate of Baudrillard's Fatalism Takes on the Postmodern - Norman Denzin Baudrillard, Lyotard, and Jameson Baudrillard, Modernism and Postmodernism - Nicholas Zurbrugg The Sweet Scent of Decomposition - Zygmunt Bauman Lost in the Funhouse - Christopher Norris Baudrillard and the Politics of Postmodernism PART THREE: CULTURE Baudrillard and the Metaphysics of Motivation - Philip Hancock A Reappraisal of Corporate Culturalism in the Light of the Work and Ideas of Jean Baudrillard Power and Politics in Hyperreality - Timothy W Luke The Critical Project of Jean Baudrillard Der Schwindel der Simulation - Lothar Baier Sod Baudrillard! - Michael Billig Or Ideology Critique in Disney World 'The Text Must Scoff at Meaning' - Stuart Sim Baudrillard and the Politics of Simulation and Hyperreality Mass, Media, Mass Media-Tion - Briankle G Chang Jean Baudrillard's Implosive Critique of Modern Mass-Mediated Culture The Masses and the Media - Kuan-Hsing Chen Baudrillard's Implosive Postmodernism The Paradoxical Effects of Macluhanisme - Gary Genosko Cazeneuve, Baudrillard and Barthes Baudrillard and the Problematics of Post-New Left Media Theory - Jim Tarter Virtual Worlds - Marcus A Doel and David B Clarke Simulation, Suppletion, S(ed)uction and Simulacra Space on Flat Earth - Neville Wakefield Disney Sociology in the Absence of the Social - William Bogard The Significance of Baudrillard for Contemporary Thought Implosive Critiques - Philip Hayward A Consideration of Jean Baudrillard's 'In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities' A Critique of Baudrillard's Hyperreality - Anthony King Towards a Sociology of Postmodernism Baudrillard and Leisure - Chris Rojek Mapping the Present from the Future - Douglas Kellner From Baudrillard to Cyberpunk Jean Baudrillard - Juliet Steyn `Then We Too Shall See the Stars Fade Away' PART FOUR: WAR Ruses de Guerre - Deborah Cook Baudrillard and Fiske on Media Reception The War, The Screen, The Crazy Dog and Poor Mankind - Kevin Robbins Consensus `Reality' and Manufactured Truth - Christopher Norris Baudrillard and the War That Never Happened Uncritical Criticism? - William Merrin Norris, Baudrillard and the Gulf War Introduction to The Gulf War Did Not Take Place - Paul Patton PART FIVE: AMERICA America - Paul Buhle Post-Modernity? The Ethnographer as Geologist - Dima Cioran Tocqueville, L[ac]evi-Strauss, Baudrillard and the American Dilemma Paris, Texas and Baudrillard on America - Norman K Denzin The Homogenization of America - Jacques Mourrain Baudrillard's Amerique, and the `Abyss of Modernity' - Nicholas Zurbrugg Baudrillard's America - Arthur J Vidich Lost in the Ultimate Simulacrum Cruising America - Bryan S Turner The Mirror of Reproduction - Diane Rubenstein Baudrillard and Reagan's America Baudrillard's America (and Ours?) - Stephen Watt Image, Virus, Catastrophe Post-Marx - Andrew Wernick Theological Themes in Baudrillard's America The 'Hyperreal' vs. the 'Really Real' - Ed Cohen If European Intellectuals Stop Making Sense of American Culture Can We Still Dance? Everything Solid Melts into Signs - Brian Jarvis Jean Baudrillard PART SIX: SEDUCTION Either/Or - Louise Burchill Peripeteia of an Alternative in Jean Baudrillard's De la S[ac]eduction Room 101, or A Few Worst Things in the World - Meaghan Morris Baudrillard's Woman - Sadie Plant The Eve of Seduction The Object's Seduction - Mike Gane Postmodernism and the Clothed Meaning - Efrat Tseelon Valorizing 'The Feminine' While Rejecting Feminism? - A Keith Goshorn Baudrillard's Feminist Provocations Jean Baudrillard - Andrew Wernick Seducing God Art, Work and Analysis in an Age of Electronic Simulation - Barry Smart PART SEVEN: FICTION AND ART The SF of Theory - Istvan Csiscery-Ronay Jr Baudrillard and Haraway Jean Baudrillard on the Current State of SF - Jonathan Benison PART SEVEN: FICTION AND ART In Response to Jean Baudrillard - N Katherine Hayles et al Ballard/Crash/Baudrillard - Nicholas Ruddick Baudrillard as Philosopher, or The End of Abstract Painting - David Carrier Panic Value - Arthur Kroker Bacon, Colville, Baudrillard and the Aesthetics of Deprivation The Work of Roy Lichtenstein in the Age of Walter Benjamin's and Jean Baudrillard's Popularity - Carter Ratcliffe Baudrillard, Barthes, Burroughs, and 'Absolute' Photography - Nicholas Zurbrugg Television is Killing the Art of Symbolic Exchange - William Merrin Baudrillard's Theory of Communication PART EIGHT: BAUDRILLARD AND OTHER THEORISTS Hall of Mirrors - Joseph Valente Baudrillard on Marx Baudrillard's Marx - Arthur Kroker In the Shadow of Reason - Raymond Lee From Weber's Elective Affinity to Baudrillard's Fatalism How to Comprehend Barbarism in the Midst of Enlightenment - Stjepan G Mestrovic Post-Modernism in the Theory and the Sociology of Law, or Rousseau and Durkheim as Read by Baudrillard - Anthony Carty Baudrillard, Critical Theory and Psychoanalysis - Charles Levin Utility and Excess - William Pawlett The Radical Sociology of Bataille and Baudrillard Ethik Jenseits von Moral - Bernhard H F Taurek Sartre, L[ac]evinas, Baudrillard In the Shadow of McLuhan - Andreas Huyssen Jean Baudrillard's Theory of Simulation Notes and Commentary - St. Louis Telos Group The Totally Administered Society Jean Baudrillard - Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont Technology and Culture in Habermas and Baudrillard - Mark Poster In the Shadow of the Deconstructed Metanarratives - Steven C Ward Baudrillard, Latour and the End of Realist Epistemology Baudrillard & Deleuze - Steven Maras Re-Viewing The Postmodern Scene The Struggle for an Affirmative Weakness - Gary Genosko de Certeau, Lyotard, and Baudrillard