Tony Bush is Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Nottingham, and previously held similar posts at the universities of Leicester, Reading, Lincoln and Warwick. He is President of the British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) and was presented with the Society's Distinguished Service Award in 2008. He is also a Fellow of the Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management (CCEAM). He has an established international profile, with research, consultancy, or invited keynote presentations in 22 countries on all six continents. He has published extensively on many aspects of educational leadership and management, and has been editor of the leading ISI-listed international journal, Educational Management, Administration and Leadership, since 2002. His other recent books include Leading and Managing People in Education (with David Middlewood), and The Principles of Educational Leadership and Management (with Les Bell and David Middlewood). Marianne Coleman is Reader Emerita in Educational Leadership at University College London, Institute of Education. Before a career in higher education at the University of Leicester and the Institute of Education she was a secondary school teacher and an advisory teacher in an LEA. Now retired, she continues to research and write focusing on her interest in gender and leadership and wider issues of diversity and social justice. She has recently co-authored a book on ageing and is a trustee of the Nurture Group Network, an educational charity which supports children with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
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PART ONE: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION Leadership and Management What Is Educational Management? The Purpose of Educational Management The Context of Educational Management Strategy and Self-Management PART TWO: VISION, MISSION AND STRATEGY Vision Mission Strategy PART THREE: LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT Leadership and Management Theory and Practice Transformational and Transactional Leadership Educational Leadership The Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Leadership Leadership of the Autonomous School or College Strategic Leadership Gender in Educational Leadership Leadership and Roles PART FOUR: ORGANISATIONAL THEORY AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The Theory/Practice Divide The Relevance of Theory to Good Practice The Nature of Theory in Educational Management Models of Educational Management Organizational Culture Organizational Culture and Strategic Management Conceptual Pluralism Using Theory to Improve Practice PART FIVE: THE PURPOSE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The Concept of Effectiveness The Concept of Improvement The Concept of Quality Origins of TQM and Its Application to Education Re-Engineering PART SIX: STRATEGIC AND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN EDUCATION Who is Involved in Strategic Planning? Development Planning Management Style and Development Planning Development Planning, Improvement and Effectiveness and Change PART SEVEN: MANAGING STRATEGIC CHANGE
`The book would constitute a good starting-point for anyone wishing to understand contemporary developments in educational management' - Educational Research `This is one of very few texts to give recognition to the difficulties in large institutions and to give practical advice about the degree to which collegiality can be built into strategic planning. The authors provide an overview of all aspects of leadership within education, giving ample references within each section for more detailed study' - Mentoring & Tutoring