PART ONE: PHILOSOPHY AND RESEARCH The Production of Management Knowledge - Robert Chia Philosophical Underpinnings of Research Design Ethical Considerations in Management Research - Nada Korac-Kakabadse, Andrew Kakabadse and Alexander Kousmin A `Truth' Seeker's Guide PART TWO: RESEARCH PROCESSES Modelling-as-Theorizing - David A Whetten A Systematic Methodology for Theory Development Learning to Be a Successful Writer - Anne Sigismund Huff Acknowledging the Individual in the Researcher - Kim James and Susan Vinnicombe PART THREE: APPROACHES AND TECHNIQUES Qualitative and Quantitative Issues in Research Design - Phyl Johnson and Don Harris Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Organizations - Val Singh and John Dickson Grounded Theory - David Partington Case Study Research - Alan Harrison Cognitive Mapping - Mark Jenkins Repertory Grid Technique - Keith Goffin Laddering - Susan Baker Making Sense of Meaning Action Research - Colin Eden and Chris Huxham