Ken Morrison is Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Wilfred Laurier University, Ontario, Canada

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PART ONE: INTRODUCTION The Origins and Foundations of Modern Social Theory: 1750-1920 Modern Social Theory Defined The Central Subject Matter of Social Theory PART TWO: KARL MARX The Historical Context of Karl Marx's Work The Shift to Materialism The German Ideology Marx's Economic Works: 1850-1867 Capital Volume One, Part A Economic and Social Elements of Capitalism Capital Volume One, Part B The Theory of Value Capital Volume One, Part C Theory of Surplus Value Capital Volume One, Part D The Genesis of Capitalism Theory of Alienation Marx's Theory of Alienation and the 1844 Manuscripts Marx's Political Writings Marx's Dialectical View of History The Theory of Development PART THREE: EMILE DURKHEIM The Historical Context of Emile Durkheim's Work The Division of Labor in Society The Rules of Sociological Method Durkheim's Study of Suicide The Elementary Form of the Religious Life PART FOUR: MAX WEBER The Historical Context of Max Weber's Work Weber's Theoretical Perspective and Fundamental Themes in His Work The Theme of Capitalism in Weber's Work Weber's Theory of Class, Status and Party Weber's Concept of the Status Group The Separation of Status from Class The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism Weber's Methodology and the Theory of Knowledge in the Social Sciences The Theory of Legitimate Domination Weber's Political Writings Weber's Study of Bureaucracy