Paul Stenner is Professor of Social Psychology at The Open University, UK. He completed his PhD at the University of Reading, UK, and has held posts at the University of Brighton, University College London, University of Bath, and the University of East London. He works with process approaches to psychosocial issues. He has published work in numerous fields including the emotions, human rights, quality of life, and active ageing. With Simon Watts, he is the author of Doing Q Methodological Research: Theory, Method and Interpretation (SAGE, 2012). He has published 25 peer-reviewed articles using, or about, Q methodology and numerous book chapters, including Q methodology (Stenner, Watts, & Worrell, 2017) and The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology, Second Edition (Willig & Stainton Rogers, Eds., 2017).
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The First Word Or In the Beginning Is the Middle Whitehead and Process Serres and Mediation Luhmann and Communication Artaud and Embodiment Spinoza and Affect Bergson and Memory Foucault and Subjectivity Deleuze and Life On Losing Your Foundations and Finding Them Again
`On the showing of this book, "Critical Psychology" (for want of a better label) has a long way to run, and a lot of work to do yet. It may well become required reading, so get in early - but expect some mind-stretching and moments of bewilderment. Oh - and recommend it to undergraduate students too; tell them how "accessible" it is - and run. They'll thank you when writing up their doctorates' - History and Philosophy of Psychology