Dr Sara Delamont, DSc Econ, AcSS. read Social Anthropology at Girton College Cambridge, did her PhD at Edinburgh, and lectured at Leicester before moving to Cardiff in 1976. She was the first woman to be President of BERA (the British Education Research Association) and the first woman Dean of Social Sciences at Cardiff. She has done ethnographies in schools, and other settings where teaching and learning take place such as operatic master classes and martial arts studios. With Paul Atkinson she is the Founding Editor of Qualitative Research, and is the author of fourteen books.
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Introduction Of Silverbacks and Tree House When the Patriarchy Gets Worried Neither Young, Nor Luscious, Nor Sycophantic Developments in Feminist Sociology, 1968-2002 The New Forms Possible to Women? The Achievements of Feminist Sociology Organizing the Necessary Work The Question(s) of Method(s) Unconventional but Seething Were There Any Founding Mothers? The Brotherhood of Professors, Male All The Founding Fathers of Sociology Simply Invisible Feminist Sociology and the Malestream Making Fictions of Female Destiny Postmodernism and Postfeminism Prerogatives Usurped? Conclusions
`Sara Delamont eloquently explores the impact of feminism on sociology and powerfully argues that it has been marginalised. A "must read" for all sociologists searching for a complete account of the development of the discipline' - Emma Wincup, School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent at Canterbury