Introduction - David Garland The Meaning of Mass Imprisonment The Causes and Consequences of Prison Growth in the United States - Marc Mauer Fear and Loathing in Late Modernity - Jonathan Simon Reflections on the Cultural Sources of Mass Imprisonment in the United States Television, Public Space and Prison Population - Thomas Mathiesen A Commentary on Mauer and Simon Governing Social Marginality - Katherine Beckett and Bruce Western Welfare Incarceration and the Transformation of State The Macho Penal Economy - David Downes Mass Incarceration in the United States- A European Perspective Novus ordo saeclorum? A Commentary on Downes, and on Beckett and Western - David Greenberg Deadly Symbiosis - Lo[ac]ic Wacquant When Ghetto and Prison Meet and Merge Going Straight - Elijah Anderson The Story of a Young Inner-City Ex-Convict Bringing the Individual Back In - Jerome Miller A Commentary on Wacquant and Anderson Imprisonment Rates and the New Politics of Criminal Punishment - Franklin Zimring Unthought Thoughts - Michael Tonry The Influence of Changing Sensibilities on Penal Policies Facts, Values and Prison Policies - James B Jacobs A Commentary on Zimrig and Tonry The Private and the Public in Penal History - Alex Lichtenstein A Commentary on Zimrig and Tonry Epilogue - Alex Garland The New Iron Cage