The Emancipatory City - Loretta Lees Urban (Re)Visions PART ONE: CITIES OF (IN)DIFFERENCE Domesticating Monsters - Susan Ruddick Cartographies of Difference and the Emancipatory City Zero Tolerance, Maximum Surveillance? Deviance, Difference and Crime Control in the Late Modern City - Nicholas Fyfe Impurity and the Emancipatory City - Les Back and Michael Keith Young People, Community Safety and Racial Danger The Emancipatory Community? Place, Politics and Collective Action in Cities - James DeFilippis and Peter North PART TWO: EMANCIPATORY PRACTICES Sites of Public (Homo)Sex and the Carnivalesque Spaces of Reclaim the Streets - Gavin Brown Inventing New Games - David Pinder Unitary Urbanism and the Politics of Space Everyday Rationality and the Emancipatory City - Gary Bridge Urban Escapades - Quentin Stevens Play in Melbourne's Public Spaces PART THREE: UTOPIC TRAJECTORIES The Urban Basis of Emancipation - Jennifer Robinson Spatial Theory and the City in South African Politics Water, Modernity and Emancipatory Urbanism - Matthew Gandy In Search of the Horizon - Geraldine Pratt and Rose Marie San Juan Utopia in The Truman Show and The Matrix Ghosts and the City of Hope - Steve Pile REFLECTIONS The `Emancipatory' City? - Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift The Right to the City - David Harvey