International HRM


A Cross-Cultural Approach

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By Terence Jackson
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Introduction: Beyond Human Resource Management The Cross-Cultural Organization: The Multicultural Model The Strategic Organization: The Supranational Model The Competent Organization: The American Model The Missionary Organization: The Dutch Model The Motivating Organization: The Japanese Model The Learning Organization: The British Model The Flexible Organization: The European Union Model The Joint Venture Organization: The Chinese Model with Peter Xu Lu The Transitioning Organization: The Post-Soviet Model The Stakeholder Organization: The Post-Colonial Model Conclusion: The Future Organization

`Most books on IHRM-related topics address issues from the context of the multinational corporation; this book expands that perspective by looking at how different cultures tend to treat HR practices under conditions of globalization and within the domestic context. This book will be one that students and practitioners will want to have in their personal libraries' - Mark Mendenhall, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga `An interesting and original treatment of an increasingly important subject. Students and academics will welcome the extensive use of case material, as well as a geographical coverage that is significantly broader than is found in most other books on this topic' - Professor Paul Blyton, Cardiff Business School `In today's global economy, understanding the international dimensions of human resource management could not be more important. Terence Jackson brings a clarity of ideas and a creativity that allows readers of his new book, International HRM, both to understand the complexities of global people management and to, in fact, be better managers' - Professor Nancy J Adler, Faculty of Management, McGill University `In these days of increasing globalization of business, this book is a very valuable and timely addition to the Human Resouce Management literature' - Rabindra N Kanungo, Professor Emeritus, McGill University

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