SECTION ONE: DIFFERENT VIEWS OF STRATEGY What Is Strategy? - Michael E Porter Theories of Strategy - Richard Whittington Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent - Henry Mintzberg and James A Waters SECTION TWO: INDUSTRY EFFECTS Analyzing the Industry Environment - Robert M Grant Industry Evolution - Robert M Grant The Firm Matters More Than the Industry - Charles Baden-Fuller and John Stopford SECTION THREE: FIRM EFFECTS: RESOURCES, CAPABILITIES AND CORE COMPETENCIES The Firm as an Administrative Organization - Edith T Penrose Looking Inside for Competitive Advantages - Jay B Barney Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management - David J Teece, Gary Pisano and Amy Shuen SECTION FOUR: STRATEGIC INNOVATION AND FIRM SIZE Limits to the Learning Curve - William J Abernathy and Kenneth Wayne Architectural Innovation - Rebecca M Henderson and Kim B Clark The Reconfiguration of Existing Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms Strategic Innovation in Established Companies - Constantinos Markides SECTION FIVE: ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES, LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT The Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism - David J Teece Perspectives on Alfred Chandler's Scale and Scope Absorptive Capacity - Wesley M Cohen and Daniel A Levinthal A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation Strategic Thinking and Knowledge Management - Ysanne Carlisle SECTION SIX: CHANGING CONTEXTS: THE GLOBAL INFORMATION ECONOMY Global Strategy - Sumantra Ghoshal An Organizing Framework Increasing Returns and the New World of Business - W Brian Arthur Global Strategy in the Twenty-First Century - George S Yip
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'This excellent volume brings together some of the most influential readings in business strategy and explores the content and process of business strategy from a variety of different theoretical stances. It will serve as a comprehensive introduction to the literature and will become required reading for students of economics, organisational behavior and business' - Costas Markides, London Business School