Vivek Suneja is a Lecturer at the Open University Business School
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SECTION ONE: POLICY: SIGNIFICANCE AND RATIONALE The Insider - Joseph Stiglitz What I Learnt at the World Economic Crisis Stiglitz versus the IMF - Rudi Dornbusch Another View Why Do We Need Policy? - Robert Heilbroner and Lester Thurrow Culture, Social Norms and Economics - Mark Casson Some Implications for Policy SECTION TWO: COMPETITION POLICY Competition Policy - David Young and Stan Metcalfe International Competition Policy - Alan O Sykes SECTION THREE: SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION POLICY Science Policy and Technology Policy - J S Metcalfe National System of Innovation - Chris Freeman The Competitive Advantage of Nations - Michael E Porter Imperfect Markets and Fallible Governments - Sanjaya Lall The Role of the State in Industrial Development SECTION FOUR: INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INVESTMENT POLICY Making Sense of the Competitiveness Debate - Paul R Krugman Themes in Trade and Industrialization - Deepak Nayyar A Business Analytic Approach to Governments and Globalization - John H Dunning Foreign Direct Investment and the Challenge of Development - World Investment Report Information Technology and Global Capitalism - Manuel Castells SECTION FIVE: REGIONAL POLICY Towards a Competence Theory of the Region - Clive Lawson Policies for the Development of Knowledge-Intensive Local Production Systems - Fiorenza Belussi SECTION SIX: ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Sustainable Development - Giles Atkinson
'This is an extremely helpful and imaginative set of readings which MBA and other business students will find very useful. The Editor makes a compelling case for business students to be aware of the economic and social policy environment in which modern business has to operate. It distinguishes itself from other Readers by considering policy environment questions from different theoretical perspectives. Policy Issues for Business will therefore be an important addition to course teaching in this area'- Ajit Singh, University of Cambridge