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Edited by Mark D. Gottdiener, Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, Alexandros Lagopoulos
Release Date:
234 x 156 mm
2800 g

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Mark Gottdiener is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at The University at Buffalo (SUNY).

VOLUME ONE PART ONE: FUNDAMENTALS: THE CONSTITUTION OF THE FIELD Course in General Linguistics - Ferdinand de Saussure The Stratification of Language - Louis Hjelmslev Two Aspects of Language and Two Types of Linguistic Disturbances - Roman Jakobson Linguistics and Poetics - Roman Jakobson Basic Concepts of Peircean Sign Theory - Charles Sanders Peirce Writings on the General Theory of Signs - Charles Morris PART TWO: THE ARTICULATION OF THE FIELD Theses Presented at the First Congress of Slavic Philologists - Prague Linguistic Circle `Structural Analysis in Linguistics and Anthropology' - Claude Levi-Strauss Elements of Semiology - Roland Barthes Basic Concepts of Greimasian Semiotics - Algirdas-Julien Greimas and Joseph Court[ac]es The Interaction of Semiotic Constraints - Algirdas-Julien Greimas and Fran[ce]cois Rastier Toward a Logic of Culture - Umberto Eco Theses on the Semiotic Study of Culture (As Applied to Slavic Texts) - B A Uspenskij et al Pertinence et pratique - Luis J Prieto Essai de s[ac]emiologie Semiotics of Science versus Semiotics of Art - Solomon Marcus Global Semiotics - Thomas A Sebeok VOLUME TWO PART THREE: SEMIOTICS AND MARXISM: THE DEBATE Discourse in Life and Discourse in Art - Valentin Voloshinov [and Mikhail Bakhtin] Reading Capital - Louis Althusser Reflexions sur le structuralisme et l'histoire - Henri Lefebvre The Mental and the Material - Maurice Godelier Language and Structures of Feeling - Raymond Williams The Importance of the Concept of Potential Consciousness for Communication - Lucien Goldmann Language as Work and Trade - Ferruccio Rossi-Landi The Economics of Linguistic Exchanges - Pierre Bourdieu PART FOUR: ANTHROPOLOGY, FOLKLORE AND MYTH Do Dual Organizations Exist? - Claude Levi-Strauss Morphology of the Folktale - Vladimir Propp The Structural Study of Myth - Claude Levi-Strauss The Interpretation of Myth - Algirdas-Julien Greimas Theory and Practice Fundamentals of Diachronic Linguistics - Vyacheslav V Ivanov Semiotic Implications L'organisation de l'espace - Jean-Pierre Vernant Hestia-Hermes The Legitimacy of Solomon - Edmund Leach Some Structural Aspects of Old Testament History VOLUME THREE PART FIVE: LITERARY SEMIOTICS: NARRATOLOGY AND POETICS Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives - Roland Barthes The Death of the Author - Roland Barthes Structural Analysis of Narrative - Tzvetan Todorov Elements of a Narrative Grammar - Algirdas-Julien Greimas `Frontiers of Narrative' - Gerard Genette Literary Competence - Jonathan Culler On the Metalanguage of a Typological Description of Culture - Juri M Lotman The Bounded Text - Julia Kristeva PART SIX: SEMIOTICS OF NON-VERBAL AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS Rhetoric of the Image - Roland Barthes General Premisses for a Semiotic Consideration of the Ancient Icon - Boris Uspensky Vers une semiotique des codes visuels - Umberto Eco Semiotics and Archeology - Alexandros Lagopoulos The Fine Arts and the Conception of Space in Ancient Greece Function and Sign - Umberto Eco Semiotics of Architecture A Theory of Musical Semiotics - Eero Tarasti The Theory Itself in an Abridged Form The Semiotics of Theatre and Drama - Keir Elam Some Points in the Semiotics of the Cinema - Christian Metz Written Clothing - Roland Barthes Subculture - Dick Hebdige The Meaning of Style VOLUME FOUR PART SEVEN: CULTURE AND HISTORY: SEMIOTICS AND POSTSTRUCTURALISM Myth Today - Roland Barthes Footing - Erving Goffman Hegemony and Mass Culture - Mark Gottdiener A Semiotic Approach Preface from `The Order of Things' - Michel Foucault The Unities of Discourse - Michel Foucault Historical Discourse - Roland Barthes The Content of the Form - Hayden White Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation PART EIGHT: POSTSTRUCTURALISM: DECONSTRUCTION AND PSYCHOANALYSIS The Outside Is the Inside - Jacques Derrida Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences - Jacques Derrida The Agency of the Letter in the Unconscious or Reason Since Freud - Jacques Lacan The System and the Speaking Subject - Julia Kristeva PART NINE: FROM POSTSTRUCTURALISM TO POSTMODERNISM The Postmodern Condition - Jean-Francois Lyotard Toward a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign - Jean Baudrillard Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism - Fredric Jameson The Substance of the Expression - Mark Gottdiener The Role of Material Culture in Symbolic Interaction

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