Edited by Alan Malachowski - a leading commentator on Rorty's work - this collection will be the standard reference work on one of the canonical theorists of the late twentieth century.

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VOLUME ONE: PHILOSOPHY Introduction - Alan R Malachowski PART ONE: IN THE ANALYTIC FOLD The Challenge of Scientific Materialism - Richard Bernstein On the Elimination of `Sensations' - James Cornman What is Eliminative Materialism? - W Lycan and G Pappas Varieties of Privileged Access - William Alston Rorty Revisited - Eric Bush Is `Eliminative Materialism' Materialism? - David R Hiley Rorty, Materialism and Privileged Access - Arnold B Levinson Mind-Body Identity, a Side Issue? - Charles Taylor Scientific Psychology as Hermeneutics? Rorty's Philosophy of Mind - John Furlong Transcendental Arguments I - Anthony L Brueckner PART TWO: LATER RESPONSES The Case for Rorty - Daniel C Dennett Richard Rorty and the Epistemology of Truth - E J Bond Bond on Rorty on Truth - C G Prado Truth vs. Rorty - Uwe Steinhoff Truth Rehabilitated - Donald Davidson The Question of Realism - Hilary Putnam What is at Stake Between Putnam and Rorty? - Paul D Forster Veritable Reflections - Gerald Vision Beyond Realism And Anti-Realism - Dorthea Frede Rorty On Heidegger And Davidson VOLUME TWO: POST-ANALYTIC PRAGMATISM PART ONE: REFLECTIONS ON RORTY'S MIRROR TEXT Rorty's Mirrorless World - Michael Devitt Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature - Robert Schwartz Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature - Nino Langiulli Mind-Body, Realism and Rorty's Therapy - Victoria Choy Philosophy After Rorty - Philip Pettit Rorty's Antipodeans - Kenneth T Gallagher An Impossible Illustration? Epistemology Without Foundations - Mary Hesse Deep Epistemology Without Foundations (In Language) - Alan R Malachowski Interrupting the Conversation - Rebecca Comay Notes on Rorty Rorty and the New Hermeneutics - Frank G Verges PART TWO: PRAGMATISM REVIEWED The World Regained - Milton Fisk Pragmatism and the World - Crawford L Elder Rorty's Pragmatism - R W Sleeper Afloat in Neurath's Boat, But Why Adrift? A Missing Dimension in Rorty's Use of Pragmatism - Abraham Edel What is the Legacy of Instrumentalism? - James Gouinlock Rorty's Interpretation of Dewey Of Depth and Loss - Daniel W Conway The Peritropaic Legacy of Dewey's Pragmatism Just Do It - Lynn A Baker Pragmatism and Progressive Social Change Objectivity, Science and Relativism - C G Prado An Un-Rortyan Defence of Rorty's Pragmatism - Kai Nielsen Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Language - Danielle Macbeth Pragmatism - James T Kloppenberg An Old Name for Some New Ways of Thinking? Varieties of Pragmatism - Robert Kraut VOLUME THREE: POLITICS, IRONY AND SOLIDARITY PART ONE: LIBERALISM AS POLITICS Rorty's Liberal Utopia - Richard Bernstein Richard Rorty, Liberalism and the Politics of Redescription - Keith Topper Democracy Without Foundations - Ruth Anna Putnam Cruelty and Liberalism - John Kekes Liberalism and Cruelty - Eric M Gander Rorty on Liberty and Democracy - Marker Melkonian Post-colonial Liberalism - Alan R Malachowski Deconstruction Pragmatism and the Politics of Democracy - Chantal Mouffe Strenuous Unbelief - Jonathan Ree Pragmatism, Social Democracy and Political Arguments - Matthew Festenstein PART TWO: IRONY AND SOLIDARITY The Irony of Contingency and Solidarity - Timothy Cleveland Private Irony and Public Decency - Thomas McCarthy Richard Rorty's New Pragmatism Self-realization and Solidarity - Richard King Rorty and the Judging Self That Most Complex Being - Norman Geras Solidarity or Singularity? - Nancy Fraser Richard Rorty Between Romanticism and Technocracy Liberal Irony and Social Reform - Larry A Hickman Evading the Subject? - Steven E Cole The Poverty of Contingency Theory Irony, State, and Utopia - Daniel Conway Review Symposium - Terence Ball et al Richard Rorty VOLUME FOUR: CULTURE, INTERPRETATIONS AND CONVERSATIONS PART ONE: CULTURE Philosophy as a Kind of Narrative - Christopher Norris Rorty on Post-Modern Liberal Culture Rorty's Cultural Conversation - Frank Lentricchia Philosophy and the Achievement of Community - R Eldridge Rorty, Cavell and Criticism Multiculturalism and the Possibility of Transcultural Educational and Philosophical Ideals - Harvey Siegel PART TWO: INTERPRETATIONS Rorty's Interpretation of Hegel - N Rotenstreich The Thought of Being and the Conversation of Mankind - J D Caputo The Case of Heidegger and Rorty On Saving Heidegger from Rorty - Charles B Guignon Deconstruction in Philosophy - H Veatch Has Rorty Made it the Denouement of Contemporary Analytical Philosophy? Deconstruction and Pragmatism - Simon Critchley On Not Circumventing the Quasi-Transcendental - J D Caputo The Case of Rorty and Derrida What is the Difference that Makes a Difference? - Richard Bernstein Gadamer, Habermas and Rorty Hermeneutics and the Social Sciences - Georgia Warnke A Gadamerian Critique of Rorty Davidson in Context - John McDowell Saving Wittgenstein from Conservatism (Richard Rorty) - Alice Crary PART THREE: FURTHER CONVERSATIONS Mirror of America - William Connolly Confessions of an Old-Fashioned Prig - Susan Haack The Historicization of Analytical Philosophy - Peter Dews Postmodernist Relativism - Simon Blackburn Pragmatism, Pluralism and Legal Interpretation - Michel Rosenfield Posner's and Rorty's Justice Without Metaphysics Meets Hate Speech Philosophical Prose and Practice - Richard McCleary Feminism and Pragmatism - Sabina Lovibond A Reply to Rorty