The Politics of Teacher Education Reform

CORWIN PRESS INC.ISBN: 9780761976783

The National Commission on Teaching and America's Future

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Edited by Karen Symms Gallagher, Jerry D. Bailey
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Introduction to the Politics of Teacher Preparation Reform - Karen S GAllagher and Jerry D Bailey PART ONE: ISSUES FROM THE NATIONAL ARENA The Politics of Teacher Education Reform - Karen S GAllagher and Jerry D Bailey Strategic Philanthropy and Public Policy-Making Finding the Culprit - Penelope M Earley Federal Policy and Teacher Education The Role of Accreditation Reform in Teacher Education - Frank B Murray PART TWO: STORIES FROM THE STATE ARENA Autonomous Boards and Standards-Based Teacher Development - Marilyn M Scannell and Philip L Metcalf The Georgia Story of P-16 Partnerships - Jan S Kettlewell, Janine A Kaste and Sheila A Jones PART THREE: A STORY FROM THE URBAN ARENA The Language of Standards and Teacher Education Reform - Robert J Yinger and Martha S Hendricks-Lee Balancing the Politics of Two Cultures - Arlene Harris Mitchell et al Cincinnati Initiative for Teacher Education and the Cincinnati Professional Practice School Partnership PART FOUR: THE MICROPOLITICAL ARENA Do Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences Need Schools of Education? - Sally Frost Mason Developing Knowledge for Preparing Teachers - Dennis Thiessen Redefining the Role of Schools of Education Adequacy and Allocation within Higher Education - Richard D Howard, Randy Hitz and Larry J Baker Funding the Work of Education Schools PART FIVE: THE FINAL ARENA: BUILDING CAPACITY FOR CHANGE Teaching for America's Future - Linda Darling-Hammond National Commissions and Vested Interests in an Almost-Profession

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