Juvenile Delinquency 2/e



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By Joseph G. Weis, Robert D. Crutchfield, George S. Bridges
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Joseph G. Weis is Professor of Sociology at the University of Washington. He served for a number of years as the Director of the National Center for the Assessment of Delinquent Behavior and Its Prevention, funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as a member of the Washington State Governor's Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee. He is a past editor of the journal Criminology and a co-author, with Michael J. Hindelang and Travis Hirschi, of Measuring Delinquency. Robert D. Crutchfield is Professor and the Clarence and Elissa Schrag Fellow in the Department of Sociology at the University of Washington where he has been a winner of the university's Distinguished Teaching Award. He served on the Washington State Juvenile Sentencing Commission and is also a former juvenile probation officer, adult parole officer, and a deputy editor of Criminology. He is a past Vice President of the American Society of Criminology and currently serves on the National Academies' Committee on Law and Justice. His research focuses on labor markets and crime, and on racial and ethnic disparities in the administration of justice. George S. Bridges is the President of Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. He has served as a staff member of the policy office of the Attorney General of the United States as well as deputy editor of Criminology. He has been a member of the Washington State Minority and Justice Commission. He has published many papers on racial biases in American law and is co-editor, with Martha Myers, of Crime, Inequality, and Social Control.

PART ONE: WHAT IS DELINQUENCY? THE HISTORY AND DEFINITIONS OF DELINQUENCY Inventing the Stubborn Child - J. Sutton The Rise of the Child-Saving Movement - A. Platt The Juvenile Court Law in Cook County Illinois, 1899 - Hon. R.S. Tuthill Title 13, Revised Code of Washington: The Juvenile Justice Act, 1994 PART TWO: HOW IS DELINQUENCY MEASURED? THE OBSERVATION AND MEASUREMENT OF DELINQUENCY Prevalence, Incidence, Rates and Other Descriptive Measures - P.E. Tracy, Jr. The Accuracy of Official and Self-Report Meaures of Delinquency - M. J. Hindelang, et al Chronic Offenders: The Missing Cases in Self-Report Delinquency Research - S.A. Cernkovich, et al PART THREE: WHO ARE THE DELINQUENTS? THE DISTRIBUTION AND CORRELATES OF DELINQUENCY Age, Sex and the Versatility of Delinquent Involvements - M.J. Hindelang Juvenile Offender Prevalence, Incidence and Arrest Rates by Race - D. Huizinga & D.S. Elliot Social Class and Crime - J.G. Weis Reconsidering the Relationship between SES and Delinquency: Causation but Not Correlation - B.R. Entner Wright, et al Family Families and Delinquency: A Meta-Analysis of the Impact of Broken Homes - L.E. Wells & J.H. Rankin School The Effect of Dropping Out of High School on Subsequent Criminal Behavior - T.P. Thornberry, et al Peers Age, Peers, and Delinquency - M. Warr Gangs Violent Crimes in City Gangs - W.B. Miller Social Learning Theory, Self-Reported Delinquency, and Youth Gangs - L.T. Winfree, Jr., et al Drugs Delinquency and Substance Use Among Inner-City Students - J. Fagan, et al PART FOUR: WHAT CAUSES DELINQUENCY? HOW IS IT CONTROLLED? THE INTERDEPENDENCE OF THEORY AND PRACTICE Psychological Control, Early Identification, and Intervention Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency - S. Glueck & E. Glueck Unraveling Families and Delinquency: A Reanalysis of the Gluecks' Data - J.H. Laub & R.J. Sampson The Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study - E. Powers & S. Witmer A Thirty-Year Follow-Up of Treatment Effects - J. McCord Risk Factors and Prevention Risk Behavior in Adolescence: A Psychosocial Framework for Understanding and Action - R. Jessor Early Childhood Intervention - E.Zigler, et al Ecology, Enculturation, and Community Organization Deviant Places: A Theory of the Ecology of Crime - R. Stark Scoial Disorganization and Theories of Crime and Delinquency - R.J. Bursik, Jr. The Chicago Area Project - S. Kobrin The Chicago Area Project Revisited - S. Schlossman & M. Sedlak Cutural Deviance and Gang Work Lower-Class Culture as a Generating Milieu of Gang Delinquency - W.B. Miller Social Sources of Chinese Gang Delinquency - K.L. Chin Why the United States Has Failed to Solve Its Youth Gang Problem - W.B. Miller Social Learning and Behavior Modification A Differential Association-Reinforcement Theory of Criminal Behavior - R.L. Burgess & R.L. Akers The Role of Peers in the Complex Etiology of Adolescent Drug Use - R.E. Johnson, et al Behavioral Approaches to Treatment in the Crime and Delinquency Field - C.J. Braukmann, et al Assessing the Effects of School-Based Drug Education: A 6-Year Multilevel Analysis of Project D.A.R.E. - D.P. Rosenbaum & G.S. Hanson Opportunity, Strain, and Rehabilitation/Reintegration Illegitimate Means, Anomie, and Deviant Behavior - R.A. Cloward A Revised Strain Theory of Delinquency - R. Agnew The Natural History of an Applied Theory: Differential Opportunity and Mobilization for Youth - J.F. Short, Jr. The Provo Experiment in Delinquency Rehabilitation - L.T. Empey & J. Rabow Social Control, Social Development, and Prevention A Control Theory of Delinquency - T. Hirschi The Empirical Status of Hirschi's Control Theory - K.L. Kempf Preventing Delinquency: The Social Development Model - J.G. Weis & J.D. Hawkins The Prevention of Serious Delinquency: What to Do? - J.G. Weis & J. Sederstrom Reducing Early Childhood Aggression: Results of a Primary Prevention Program - J.D. Hawkins, et al Labeling, Diversion, and Radical Nonintervention An Overview of Labeling Theory - E. Schur The Labeling Perspective and Delinquency: An Elaboration of the Theory and an Assessment of the Evidence - R. Paternoster & L. Iovanni Reflected Appraisals, Parental Labeling, and Delinquency - R.L. Matsueda Diversion in Juvenile Justice - E.M. Lemert PART FIVE: JUVENILE JUSTICE REFORM Judicial Reform Juvenile Court Theory and Impact in Historical Perspective - H.H. Clark, Jr. The Legal Legacy Beyond Gault: Injustice and the Child - P. Lerman In re Gault Revisited: A Cross-State Comparison of the Right to Counsel in Juvenile Court - B.C. Feld The System Legacy Responding to Juvenile Crime: Lessons Learned - P.W. Greenwood Gender Bias in Juvenile Justice Processing: Implications of the JJDP Act - D.M. Bishop & C.E. Frazier Race, Gender, and the Prehearing Detention of Juveniles - K. Kempf-Leonard The Comparative Advantage of Juvenile Versus Criminal Court Sanctions on Recidivism Among Adolescent Felony Offenders - J. Fagan The Program Legacy An Analysis of Juvenile Correctional Treatment - S.P. Lab & J.T. Whitehead Alternative Placements for Juvenile Offenders: Results From the Evaluation of the Nokomis Challenge Program - E.P. Deschenes & P.W. Greenwood A Survey of Juvenile Electronic Monitoring and Home Confinement Programs - J.B. Vaughn Boot Camps: A Critique and a Proposed Alternative - A.W. Salerno Prospects The future of Juvenile Justice Policy and Research - L.E. Ohlin Abolish the Juvenile Court: Youthfulness, Criminal Responsibility, and Sentencing Policy - B.C. Field Suggested Readings Index

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