Women and Men at Work 2/e


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By Irene Padavic, Barbara F. Reskin
Release Date:
228 x 152 mm
340 g

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Irene Padavic is an Associate Professor at Florida State University. Before becoming a professor, she worked in a variety of service-sector jobs: candy seller at a movie theater, waitperson, telephone solicitor, door-to-door promoter of real estate, paralegal, and marketing researcher. Her dissertation project provided experience in the industrial sector, where she worked as a coal-handler in a power plant. Her research has been in the areas of gender and work, race differences in campus peer culture, economic restructuring, and changes in childcare arrangements. Barbara Reskin is a Professor of Sociology at Harvard University and, when this book went to press, President of the American Sociological Association. As a student, she supported herself in a series of female-dominated clerical jobs in such disparate settings as radio and TV stations, trucking firms, temp agencies, insurance companies, and universities. The fact that most jobs for women were boring, low-paid and deadend encouraged her to get a PhD. Her research examines how workers' sex, race, and ethnicity affect their work opportunities. She is especially interested in strategies that minimize discrimination, the focus of her most recent book, The Realities of Affirmative Action.

Work and Gender What Work Is Sex and Gender Gendered Work Summary Gendered Work in Time and Place The Sexual Division of Labor in Preindustrial Europe The Industrial Revolution The Sexual Divison of Paid and Unpaid Work The Sexual Division of Labor Around the World Summary An Overview of Sex Inequality at Work Sex Inequality in the Contemporary American Workplace Explanations for Sex Inequality in the Workplace Summary Sex Segregation in the Workplace Consequenses of Sex Segregation A History of Sex Segregation in the United States Trends in Sex Segregation Explanations and Remedies for Sex Segregation Summary Moving Up and Taking Charge Women, Men, and Promotions Women, Men, and Authority Explanations and Remedies for the Promotion Authority Gaps Summary Sex Differences in Earnings The Cost of Being Female Explaning the Pay Gap Employers' Discriminatory Actions Summary Paid Work and Family Work The Decline of the Stay-at-Home Wife and Mother Work-Family Conflict The Sexual Division of Labor and Work-Family Conflict Responses to Work-Family Conflicts Summary References

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