Handbook of Strategic Alliances


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Edited by Oded Shenkar, Jeffrey J. Reuer
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Oded Shenkar is Ford Motor Company Chair in Global Business Management and Professor of Management and Human Resources at the Fisher College of Business, the Ohio State University; and has taught in China, Japan, Israel and the UK. He holds B.A. and MSc.soc degrees in East Asian Studies and Sociology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and M.Phil and PhD degrees from Columbia University. In addition to strategic alliances, his main areas of interest are cross-border investment and the impact of culture on international business. He has published numerous articles in the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations, the Journal of International Business Studies, Management Science, Organization Science, Organization Studies and the Journal of Applied Psychology, among others, and is a member of the editorial board of the Academy of Management Executive, Human Relations, the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, the Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review and Organization Studies. His prior books include Organization and Management in China 1979-1990 (M.E. Sharpe), International Business in China (Routledge, with L. Kelley), Global Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Prentice-Hall), The Handbook of International Management Research (Blackwell, 1st ed.; University of Michigan Press, 2nd ed., with B.J. Punnett), International Business (Wiley, with Y. Luo) and The Chinese Century (Wharton Publishing). Professor Shenkar serves as an advisor to multinational firms, government and international agencies. He is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and a member of the Conference Board Council of Integration Executives. Jeffrey J. Reuer is an Associate Professor at the Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina. Prior to joining UNC, he served on the faculties of INSEAD, the European Institute of Business Administration in Fontainebleau, France, and the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University. He received his Ph.D. in strategic management from Purdue University. His research is in the area of corporate strategy, and his current work uses information economics and real options theory to examine the structuring and implications of corporate investments such as alliances and acquisitions. Current projects are on the contractual design of alliances and M&A, the roles IPOs play in corporate development processes, and firm outcomes associated with corporate investments in real options. His research has appeared in a number of academic journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Research Policy, the Journal of International Business Studies, and the Journal of Management. Some of the results of his work have been profiled in a number of practice-oriented articles in outlets such as the Harvard Business Review, the Financial Times, Long Range Planning, and the Academy of Management Executive. He serves on the boards of the Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Organization, the Journal of International Business Studies, the Journal of Management, the Journal of Management Studies, and the European Management Journal.

I. Introduction to Strategic Alliances 1. The Alliance Puzzle: Known Terrain, Black Boxes, and the Road Ahead - Oded Shenkar and Jeffrey J. Reuer II. Theoretical Foundations 2. Strategic Alliances: A Survey of Issues from an Entrepreneurial Perspective - Mark Casson and Michael J. Mol 3. How Alliances Reshape Competition - Benjamin Gomes-Casseres 4. Opportunism in Cooperative Alliances: Conditions and Solutions - Yadong Luo 5. Understanding Partnering Processes and Outcomes: The Contribution of Evolutionary Theory - Prashant Kale and Maurizio Zollo 6. What Does a Real Options Perspective Add to the Understanding of Strategic Alliances? - Anju Seth and Tailan Chi 7. Networks of Strategic Alliances - Gordon Walker III. Alliance Management: Opening the "Black Boxes" 8. Structuring and Restructuring Alliances: A Theory-Based Process Model - Stephen Tallman and Anupama Phene 9. Alliance Contractual Design - Africa Arino and Jeffrey J. Reuer 10. Interorganizational Trust - Akbar Zaheer and Jared Harris 11. Exploring Dark Corners: An Agenda for Organizational Behavior Research in Alliance Contexts - Kwok Leung and Steven White 12. Alliance Forms and Human Resources Issues - Randall S. Schuler and Ibraiz Tarique 13. Learning and Knowledge Development in Alliances - Marjorie A. Lyles and Siegfried P. Gudergan IV. Cross-Border Collaborations 14. Alliances and International Business Theory - Andrew Delios 15. Nurturing Successful Alliances Across Boundaries - Piero Morosini 16. International Joint Ventures in Emerging Economies: Past Drivers and Emerging Trends - Jaideep Anand and Prashant Kale V. Nontraditional Strategic Alliances 17. Alliances in the New Economy - Lalit Manral and Kathryn Rudie Harrigan 18. Entrepreneurial Alliances and Networks - R. Duane Ireland, Michael A. Hitt, and Justin W. Webb 19. Strange Bedfellows: Alliances Between Corporations and Nonprofits - Ted London, Dennis A. Rondinelli, and Hugh O'Neill VI. Alliance Research Methodologies 20. Research Methods in Alliances - Arvind Parkhe 21. Research Outside the "Core": Opportunities in Alternative Approaches and Methods for Studying Cooperative Alliances - Jane Salk and Davina Vora 22. Modeling and Measuring the Performance of Alliances - Paul Olk 23. The Legitimacy of Messiness: Interdisciplinary Research, Systems of Innovation, and Strategic Alliances - Mark de Rond and Sonja Marjanovic Index About the Editors About the Authors

"This collection covers state-of-the-art research on strategic alliances and serves to pave the road for future alliances research. Little is understood about the specific managerial challenges involved in establishing and operating alliances, from their inital set up, and throughout their life cycle. This handbook is intended to fill the gap by looking inside some of the 'black boxes' that have been acknowledged in the alliance literature, but seldom opened." -- APADE

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