More than 15 years have passed since Joe Barndt wrote hisinfluential and widely acclaimed Dismantling Racism (1991,Augsburg Books). He has now written a replacement volume - powerful, personal, and practical - that reframes the whole issuefor the new context of the twenty-first century. With great clarity Barndt traces the history of racism, especially inwhite America, revealing its various personal, institutional, andcultural forms. Without demonizing anyone or any race, he offersspecific, positive ways in which people in all walks, includingchurches, can work to bring racism to an end. He includes thenewest data on continuing conditions of People of Color, includingtheir progress relative to the minimal standards of equality inhousing, income and wealth, education, and health. He discussescurrent dimensions of race as they appear in controversies over9/11, New Orleans, and undocumented workers. Includesanalytical charts, definitions, bibliography, and exercises forreaders.