Introduction - Joseph E Scott and Travis Hirschi PART ONE: CONTROVERSIAL CRIMES Medicaid Fraud - Gilbert Geis, Henry N Pontell and Paul Jesilow Pornography and Rape - Joseph E Scott and Loretta A Schwalm Organized Crime - John Dombrink Gangsters and Godfathers PART TWO: CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN POLICING Police Shooting - James J Fyfe Environment and License Police and the Modern Sting Operation - Carl B Klockars PART THREE: CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES IN THE COURTROOM The Defense of Insanity - Rita J Simon and David E Aaronson Convicted but Innocent - C Ronald Huff and Arye Rattner False Positives and the Criminal Justice Process PART FOUR: CONTROVERSIAL ALTERNATIVES TO PRISON Home Incarceration with Electronic Monitoring - Richard A Ball and J Robert Lilly Probation Reform - Joan Petersilia PART FIVE: CONTROVERSIES IN THE PENAL SYSTEM Prison Crowding - Sandra Evans Skovron Career Criminals and Selective Incapacitation - Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi