Foreword to the 1988 Edition The History of Protest, Rebellion, and Reform in America - Ted Robert Gurr An Overview Historical Patterns of Violence in America - Richard Maxwell Brown Collective Violence in European Perspective - Charles Tilly Protest and Rebellion in the 1960s - Ted Robert Gurr The United States in World Perspective Right-Wing Extremism from the Ku Klux Klan to the Order, 1915 to 1988 - Eckard V Toy Jr American Indian Resistance and Protest - Jeanne Guillemin Domestic Violence and America's Wars - Robin Brooks An Historical Interpretation Political Terrorism in the United States - Ted Robert Gurr Historical Antecedents and Contemporary Trends Return to `Normalcy' - Gail O'Brien Organized Racial Violence in the Post-World War II South The Politics of Black Insurgency 1930-1975 - Doug McAdam and Kelly Moore The Outcomes of Contemporary Black Protest and Violence - James Button Group Rebellion in America - Richard E Rubenstein The Fire Next Time? Violence, Social Theory, and the Historians - Hugh Davis Graham The Debate over Consensus and Culture in America