Preface - Shanti Khinduka PART ONE: ASIAN AMERICANS: HISTORY, CULTURE, AND ADAPTATION History of Asian Americans - Rowena Fong Asian Cultural Commonalities - Douglas K Chung Adaptation and Integration into American Society - Fariyal Ross-Sheriff PART TWO: MICRO LEVEL INTERVENTION PRACTICES AND PROGRAMS The Appropriateness of Personality Theories for Social Work with Asian Americans - Noreen Mokuau and Jon Matsuoka Vietnamese Women Immigrants and Refugees in the US - Judith Shepherd Models of Service Delivery in Asian American Communities - Kenji Murase PART THREE: MACRO INTERVENTION: POLICY AND PLANNING Confucian Model of Social Transformation - Douglas K Chung The Economic Well-Being of Asian/Pacific Islander Female-Headed Households - Kathleen M McInnis Policy Implications of Factors Associated with Economic Self-Sufficiency of Southeast Asian Refugees - Chi Kwong Law and Leonard Schneiderman PART FOUR: LIFE CYCLE: VULNERABLE GROUPS Trans-Ethnic Adolescence Confluence and Conflict - Brij Mohan Support Networks of Sri Lankan Women Living in the US - Pauline Meemeduma Battered Korean Women in Urban US - Young Song Korean Elderly - Paul H Kim and Jung-Sup Kim Asian Americans in the Future - Sharlene Maeda Furuto and Kenji Murase