Preface - Andrew Kirby The Pentagon - Andrew Kirby versus the Cities? Development Theory and the Military Industrial Firm - Nancy Ettlinger The Pentagon and the Gunbelt - Peter Hall and Ann Markusen Living by the Sword and Dying by the Sword - Richard Barff Defense Spending and New England's Economy in Retrospect and Prospect Military Spending in Free Enterprise Cities - Robert E Parker and Joe Feagin The Military-Industrial Complex in Houston and Las Vegas Indigenous Homelands and the Security Requirements of Western Nation States - Peter Armitage The Case of Innu Opposition to Military Flight Training in Eastern Quebec and Labrador The Legacy of the Pentagon - Gerald Jacob The Myth of the Peace Dividend Escaping the Conceptual Box - Marvin Waterstone and Andrew Kirby Ideological and Economic Conversion Epilogue - Marvin Waterstone The Pentagon, the Cites and Beyond