Stuart Oskamp (Ph.D., Stanford University) has focused his research interests in the areas of attitudes and attitude change, applied social psychology, behavioral aspects of energy and resource conservation, and social issues and public policy. His books include Attitudes and Opinions and Applied Social Psychology. He has been elected a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) Council of Representatives and President of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) and of the APA Division of Population and Environmental Psychology. He has also served as editor of the Journal of Social Issues and of the Applied Social Psychology Annual. Since 1984 he has organized the Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology and co-edited the resulting annual volume published for many years by Sage Publications and now published by Erlbaum.
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People's Reactions to Technology - Shirlynn Spacapan and Stuart Oskamp PART ONE: FACTORIES The Human Side of Flexible Factory Automation - Ann Majchrzak and Donald D Davis Research and Management Practice Factory Automation and Production Jobs - Veronica F Nieva, Paul D Newman and Geza Bottlik A Longitudinal Study PART TWO: OFFICES Computer Use, Control Over Computers, and Job Satisfaction - Barbara A Gutek and Susan Winter Informal Communication in Organizations - Robert E Kraut, Robert S Fish, Robert W Root and Barbara L Chalfonte Form, Function, and Technology PART THREE: AEROSPACE Crew Factors in the Aerospace Workplace - Barbara G Kanki and H Clayton Foushee Human-Machine Interactions in Space Flight - Harvey Wichman