PART ONE: MARXOLOGIES: CRITICAL SOCIAL THEORY AND MODERNITY Introduction and Overview PART TWO: TECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUE AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION On Techno-Power Technics and Marx's Materialist Conception of History Technique in Marx's Method of Political Economy Gramsci and Revolution On the Theory of Workers' Councils and the Working Class Party PART THREE: INSTRUMENTAL REASON AND POPULAR REVOLUTION The Dialectics of Social Critique in Rousseau On Nature and Society A Phenomenological/Freudian Marxism? Marcuse's Critique of Advanced Industrial Society After One-Dimensionality Culture and Politics in the Age of Artificial Negativity PART FOUR: POWER, DISCOURSE AND CULTURE IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD Cabral's Marxism An African Strategy for Socialist Development Discourses of Modernization and Development Theory and Doctrine After 1945 Foucault and the Discourses of Power Developing a Genealogy of the Political Culture Concept