PART ONE: OVERVIEW OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Public Administration at the Local Level - David C Perry and Lawrence F Keller Definition, Theory, and Context The Structures of Government - Lawrence F Keller and David C Perry PART TWO: OVERVIEW OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AT THE LOCAL LEVEL Law and the City - Lawrence F Keller and Alan C Weinstein Management of Human Resources in Local Government - Jack P DeSario, Kennth L Ender, James D Slack, and Charles A Washington Public Finance and Budgeting - Michael W Spicer and Richard D Bingham Decision Making and Conflict Management Processes in Local Government - Sandra Kaufman Intergovernmental Relations - Paul R Dommel Ethics in Local Government Administration - Brian M Murphy PART THREE: OVERVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE APPLICATIONS IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT: The Management of Public Housing - Mittie Olion Chandler The Management of Economic Development - William M Bowen, Herbert J Rubin and Edward W Hill The Management of Neighborhood Development - Keith P Rasey, W Dennis Keating, Norman Krumholz and Philip D Star Community Development Corporations The Management of Public Safety - Raymond J Rose The Management of Cultural and Recreational Services - Terri Lynn Cornwell and Nike F Speltz Management of the Transportation System - David A Kuemmel Development and Redevelopment of Infrastructure - Claire L Felbinger and Robert R Whitehead Management of Solid-Wastes Disposal - Claire L Felbinger and Robert R Whitehead