Hispanics and Work - Stephen B Knouse, Paul Rosenfeld and Amy L Culbertson An Overview PART ONE: EMPLOYMENT FACTORS Hispanic Work Force Characteristics - Arthur R Cresce Hispanic Earnings and Employment in the 1980s - Cordelia W Reimers Acculturation of Hispanics - George Domino Cognitive and Motivational Bases of Bias - John F Dovidio et al Implications of Aversive Racism for Attitudes Toward Hispanics PART TWO: PROBLEMS AT WORK Litigated Employment Discrimination Cases Based on National Origin - Helen N LaVan Comparison of Hispanic National Origin to all National Origin Cases Occupational and Economic Stressors Among Immigrant and United States-Born Hispanics - Richard C Cervantes PART THREE: MENTORING SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR WORK The Mentoring Process for Hispanics - Stephen B Knouse Mentoring for the Hispanic - Jack Davis and Eduardo S Rodela Mapping Emotional Support PART FOUR: HISPANIC WOMEN AND WORK Walking on Eggshells - Denise A Segura Chicanas in the Labor Force The Psychological Experience of Puerto Rican Women at Work - Alba N Rivera-Ramos PART FIVE: THE HISPANIC EXPERIENCE IN GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE WORK SECTORS Hispanics in the Military - Paul Rosenfeld and Amy L Culbertson Hispanic Representation in the Federal Government - Jack E Edwards, Marie D Thomas and Regina L Burch Lessons from the Navy's Equal Employment Opportunity Enhancement Research Program Culture and Identity Among Hispanic Managers in an Anglo Business - Bernardo M Ferdman and Angelica C Cortes