PART ONE: GENERAL MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES Mental Health of Black Adolescents - Jewelle Taylor Gibbs Implications for Policy and Practice Ethnic Identity Development and Psychological Adjustment in Adolescence - Jean S Phinney, Bruce Lochner and Rodolfo Murphy Psychocultural Factors Affecting the Mental Health Status of Mexican American Adolescents - John M Chavez and Collette E Roney The Mental Health of Asian American Teenagers - William T Liu, Elena Yu, Ching-Fu Chang and Marilyn Fernandez A Research Challenge PART TWO: ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR/VIOLENCE/DELINQUENCY Violence and Minority Youth - Nora Gustavsson and Pallassana R Balgopal An Ecological Perspective In Pursuit of Affirmation - Cheryl L Thompson The Antisocial Inner-City Adolescent Hispanic Adolescents and Antisocial Behavior - Orlando Rodriguez and Luis H Zayas Sociocultural Factors and Treatment Implications PART THREE: SEXUALITY High Risk Sexual Behavior Among Black Adolescents - Algea Harrison Social Support and Teen Pregnancy in the Inner City - Brenda G McGowan and Amy Kohn Black Teens Parenting in the Inner City - Sandra Y Lewis Problems and Recommendations Pregnant and Parenting Black Adolescents - William Marsiglio and John H Scanzoni Theoretical and Policy Perspectives PART FOUR: SUBSTANCES: USE AND ABUSE Social Competence as a Framework for Addressing Ethnicity and Teenage Alcohol Problems - Edith M Freeman The Role of Family Factors in the Primary Prevention of Substance Abuse Among High Risk Black Youth - Ura Jean Oyemade and Valora Washington American Indian Adolescents - E Daniel Edwards and Margie Egbert-Edwards Combating Problems of Substance Use and Abuse Through a Community Model Hispanic Adolescents and Substance Abuse - Melvin Delgado Implications for Research, Treatment, and Prevention PART FIVE: SUICIDE Suicidal Behavior Among Minority Youth in the United States - Karen F Wyche and Mary Jane Rotheram-Borus Suicide Among Black Adolescents and Young Adults - Essie Manuel Rutledge A Rising Problem