Introduction - Joseph Galaskiewicz and Stanley Wasserman Advances in the Social and Behavioral Sciences from Social Network Analysis PART ONE: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND DIFFUSION Network Studies of Social Influence - Peter V Marsden and Noah E Friedkin Epidemiology and Social Networks - Martina Morris Modeling Structured Diffusion Statistical Models for Social Support Networks - Michael E Walker, Stanley Wasserman and Barry Wellman Social Cognition in Context - Philippa Pattison Some Applications of Social Network Analysis PART TWO: ANTHROPOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Social Networks - Jeffrey C Johnson A Review Primate Social Networks - Donald Stone Sade and Malcolm M Dow Network Analysis and Computer-Mediated Communication Systems - Ronald E Rice PART THREE: POLITICS AND ORGANIZATIONS Intraorganizational Networks - David Krackhardt and Daniel J Brass The Micro Side Networks of Interorganizational Relations - Mark S Mizruchi and Joseph Galaskiewicz Marketing and Social Networks - Phipps Arabie and Yoram Wind Networks of Elite Structure and Decision Making - David Knoke