Introduction PART ONE: OVERVIEW The Challenge of Health Behavior Change One Solution Health Communication Campaigns Two Examples of Health Communication Campaigns The Comparative Synthesis Study Substance Abuse and High-Risk Youth Setting the Agenda for the Issue of Drugs PART TWO: GENERALIZATIONS ABOUT HEALTH COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGNS Overview Generalizations about Health Communication Campaigns Discussion PART THREE: INTERVIEWS WITH CAMPAIGN DESIGNERS/EXPERTS Georgetown University - Elaine Bratic Arkin Entertainment Industry Coalition on AIDS - Warren J Ashley Michigan State University - Charles Atkin Human Interaction Research Institute - Thomas E Backer Los Angeles Times - Edwin Chen Johns Hopkins University - Patrick C Coleman Entertainment Industries Council - Larry Deutchman Entertainment Industries Council - Brian Dyak Brookfield Productions - Fern Field International Institute of Rural Reconstruction, Philippines - Juan M Flaviar University of Illinois - Brian Flay Stanford University - June Flora University of Maryland - Vicki Freimuth The University of Texas at Austin - Kipling J Gallion Population Communications - Robert W Gillespie University of Pennsylvania - Robert Hornik Institute for Communication Research - Jose Ruben Jara University of Southern California - C Anderson Johnson Mediascope - Marcy Kelly Johns Hopkins University - Lawrence Kincaid Center for Risk Communication - David McCallum Scott Newman Center - Jacqueline E McDonald Freedom Forum Media Studies Center - John V Pavlick University of Southern California - Mary Ann Pentz Rutgers University - Ronald E Rice University of Southern California - Everett M Rogers University of Wisconsin - Madison - Charles Salmon Entertainment Industries Council - Larry Stewart University of California at Berkeley - Lawrence Wallack PART FOUR: IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS Implications for Campaign Design Implications for Future Research