An Agenda for the Interpretation of Lived Experience - Carolyn Ellis and Michael G Flaherty PART ONE: INTERPRETING TEXTS The Many Faces of Emotionality - Norman K Denzin Reading Persona Archival Research in Intertextual Analysis - Laurel Graham Four Representations of a Year in the Life of Dr Lillian Moller Gilbreth Women's Subjectivity and Feminist Stories - Bronwyn Davies PART TWO: CREATING TEXTS Telling and Performing Personal Stories - Carolyn Ellis and Arthur Bochner the Constraints of Choice in Abortion The Reflexive Self through Narrative - Carol Rambo Ronai A Night in the Life of an Erotic Dancer/Researcher The Consequences of Poetic Representation - Laurel Richardson Writing the Other, Re-Writing the Self PART THREE: EXPERIENCING SUBJECTIVITY The Erotics of Hermeneutics of Temporality - Michael G Flaherty Wild Life - Gary Alan Fine Authenticity and the Human Experience of `Natural' Places The Trail Through Experience - Mark Neuman Finding Self in the Recollection of Travel RT FOUR TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE SELF Extraordinary Events and Mundane Ailments - Virginia Olesen The Contextual Dialectics of the Embodied Self The Self, Its Voices, and Their Discord - John Gagnon