Scott Long is Distinguished Professor and Chancellor's Professor of Sociology and Statistics at Indiana University, Bloomington. He teaches quantitative methods both at Indiana University and at the ICSPR Summer Program. His earlier research examined gender differences in the scientific career. In recent years, he has collaborated with Eliza Pavalko, Bernice Pescsolido, John Bancroft, Julia Heiman and others in studies of health and aging, stigma and mental health, and human sexuality.
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Introduction - Kenneth A Bollen and J Scott Long Multifaceted Conceptions of Fit in Structural Equation Models - J S Tanaka Monte Carlo Evaluations of Goodness-of-Fit Indices for Structural Equation Models - David W Gerbing and James C Anderson Some Specification Tests for the Linear Regression Model - J Scott Long and Pravin K Trivedi Bootstrapping Goodness-of-Fit Measures in Structural Equation Models - Kenneth A Bollen and Robert A Stine Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit - Michael W Browne and Robert Cudeck Bayesian Model Selection in Structural Equation Models - Adrian E Raftery Power Evaluations in Structural Equation Models - Willem E Saris and Albert Satorra Goodness-of-Fit with Categorical and Other Nonnormal Variables - Bengt O Muthen Some New Covariance Structure Model Improvement Statistics - P M Bentler and Chih-Ping Chou Nonpositive Definite Matrices in Structural Modeling - Werner Wothke Testing Structural Equation Models - Karl G Joereskog