PART ONE: OVERVIEW Introduction - N Zoe Hilton Husbands Who Assault - Daniel G Saunders Multiple Profiles Requiring Multiple Responses PART TWO: POLICE Police Intervention and Public Opinion - N Zoe Hilton The Impact of Police Laying Charges - Peter G Jaffe et al Irreconcilable Differences - Kathleen J Ferraro and Lucille Pope Battered Women, Police, and the Law PART THREE: COURTS The Criminal Prosecution of Wife Assaulters - David A Ford and Mary Jean Regoli Process, Problems, and Effects Family Courts, Marital Conflict Mediation, and Wife Assault - Desmond Ellis Court-Mandated Treatment of Men Who Assault Their Partner - L Kevin Hamberger and James E Hastings Issues, Controversies, and Outcomes PART FOUR: VICTIMS Battered Women as Defendants - Lenore E A Walker Self-Defense Jury Instructions in Trials of Battered Women Who Kill Their Partner - Alan J Tomkins et al PART FIVE: SUMMARY Legal Responses to Wife Assault - Ronald Roesch, Stephen D Hart and Laurene J Wilson Future Prospects for Intervention and Evaluation