PART ONE: METATHEORY: GROUNDING METHOD Introduction What is Critical Theory? Foundations of Metatheory Between Subjectivism and Objectivism Postempiricist Critiques of Positivism and Empiricism PART TWO: CRITICAL THEORY AS A RESEARCH PROGRAM Early Critical Theory as a Research Program An Historical Introduction Postempiricist Metatheory and the Human Sciences Interim Developments The Metatheory of Critical Theory Beyond Objectivism and Relativism Contemporary Critical Theory as a Resarch Program Giddens and Habermas PART THREE: CRITICAL THEORY AND EMPIRICAL RESEARCH Deconstructing the Conventional Discourse of Methodology Quantitative versus Qualitative Methods Non-Empirical Methods Reflexive Procedures Empirical Procedures in Critical Research Contexts of Critical Empirical Research Critical Social Science and Society Theory and Practice