The Radical Feminist Foundations Psychiatry Basics and Beginnings General Empowerment Work Difference Working With Lesbians; Native Women; African American Women; Jewish Women; Immigrant Women; Women with Disabilities Problematic Territory Heterosexual Couples; The Family Working With Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, and the Special Situation of Ritual Abuse Extreme Partner Abuse Where the Partner is Male Other Extreme Violation in Adulthood Working with Women Subjected to Extreme Partner Abuse Where the Partner is a Woman; Abuse by Pimps; Extreme Sexual Abuse in Adulthood: Stranger Rape and Date Rape; Sexual Violation by Therapists Self-Mutilation Troubled Eating Anorexia; Bulimia; `Over'weight/`Over'eating Drinking Problems Working With Psychiatric Survivors Clients Who Are Considering Ending Their Lives