Introduction - Bette J Dickerson Centering Studies of African American Single Mothers and Their Families - Bette J Dickerson Female-Headed Households in Sociohistorical Perspective - Norma J Burgess Women's Life-Affirming Morals and the Cultural Unity of African Peoples - Annie Ruth Leslie Teenaged Mothers - Sharon Elise A Sense of Self Single Parenting - Dhyana Ziegler A Visual Analysis The Impact of the Law on Single Mothers and the `Innocent' - Willa Mae Hemmons African American Children in Single-Mother Families - Suzanne M Randolph The Role of the Grandmother in Poor Single-Mother Families and Households - Susan M George and Bette J Dickerson Gender, Poverty, Culture and Economy - Rose M Brewer Theorizing Female-Led Families Empowerment Through the `Ordinary' Knowledge/Scholarship/Policy Nexus - Bette J Dickerson, Philipia L Hillman and Johanna E Foster