Foreword - Judith Lorber PART ONE: TYPES OF VIOLENCE WOMEN EXPERIENCE Introduction Prior Restraint - Pauline B Bart The Sexual Politics of Murder - Jane Caputi `Riding the Bull at Gilley's' - Diana Scully and Joseph Marolla Convicted Rapists Describe the Rewards of Rape Father-Daughter Incest - Judith Herman with Lisa Hirschman Put Up and Shut Up - Beth E Schneider Workplace Sexual Assaults The Invisible Intruder - Carole J Sheffield Women's Experiences of Obscene Phone Calls PART TWO: STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS FOR VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Introduction The Sexual Politics of Black Womanhood - Patricia Hill Collins The Imperishable Virginity of Saint Maria Goretti - Kathleen Z Young Fraternities and Rape on Campus - Patricia Yancey Martin and Robert A Hummer Montreal Gynocide - Joanne Stato Limitations of the Medical Model in the Care of Battered Women - Carole Warshaw PART THREE: THE POLITICS OF INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSES TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Introduction Ordinary Fear - Elizabeth Anne Stanko Women, Violence, and Personal Safety Cops, Courts, and Women Battering - Kathleen J Ferraro Surmounting a Legacy - Nancy A Matthews The Expansion of Racial Diversity in a Local Anti-Rape Movement July 18, 1988, at a Sexual Assault and Battered Women's Center - Mary Scott Boria et al Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State, Toward a Feminist Jurisprudence - Catharine A MacKinnon PART FOUR: RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS OF EXPERIENCING AND STUDYING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Introduction Living in Terror, Pain - Andrea Dworkin Being a Battered Wife Violent Acts and Injurious Outcomes in Married Couples - Lisa D Brush Methodological Issues in the National Survey of Families and Households Social Science Perspectives on Wife Abuse - Demie Kurz Current Debates and Future Directions `Our Hearts are Collectively Breaking' - Janet Lee Teaching Survivors of Violence The Politics of Research and Activism - Michelle Fine Violence Against Women