Foreword - Kenneth A Bollen Preface - Rick H Hoyle The Structural Equation Modeling Approach - Rick H Hoyle Basic Concepts and Fundamental Issues Model Specification - Robert C MacCallum Procedures, Strategies, and Related Issues Estimates and Tests in Structural Equation Modeling - Chih-Ping Chou and Peter M Bentler Structural Equation Models with Nonnormal Variables - Stephen G West, John F Finch and Patrick J Curran Problems and Remedies Evaluating Model Fit - Li-tze Hu and Peter M Bentler Statistical Power in Structural Equation Modeling - David Kaplan Objectivity and Reasoning in Science and Structural Equation Modeling - Stanley A Mulaik and Lawrence R James One Application of Structural Equation Modeling from Two Perspectives - Barbara M Byrne Exploring the EQS and LISREL Strategies Writing about Structural Equation Models - Rick H Hoyle and Abigail T Panter Latent Variable Models for Multitrait-Multimethod Data - Herbert W Marsh and David Grayson Sex-Race Differences in Social Support and Depression in Older Low-Income Adults - Jane A Scott-Lennox and Richard D Lennox Modeling the Relation of Personality Variables to Symptom Complaints - Jay G Hull, Judith C Tedlie and Daniel A Lehn The Unique Role of Negative Affectivity Predictors of Change in Antisocial Behavior during Elementary School for Boys - Mike Stoolmiller, Terry E Duncan and Gerald Patterson