PART ONE: CONTEMPLATING CREATIVE ACTION IN ORGANIZATIONS Multiple Visions and Multiple Voices - Cameron M Ford and Dennis A Gioia Academic and Practitioner Conceptions of Creativity in Organizations Creativity is a Mystery - Cameron M Ford Clues from the Investigators' Notebooks PART TWO: IVORY TOWER VISIONS Boogie down Wonderland - Jay A Conger Creativity and Visionary Leadership Managing Creativity - Richard W Woodman Creativity and Entrepreneurship - Harry Nystrom Creative Values and Creative Visions in Teams at Work - Michael A West Discovering the Unknowable, Managing the Unmanageable - Teresa M Amabile Individual Creativity and Organizational Innovation - Nigel King An Uncertain Link Creativity as Heroic - Dean Keith Simonton Risk, Success, Failure, and Acclaim Creativity - Daniel J Brass It's All in Your Social Network The Role of Collaboration in Creativity - Nirma Kl Sethia How Organizations Channel Creativity - William H Starbuck Promoting Creativity in Organizations - Edwin A Locke and Shelley A Kirkpatrick The Many Facets of Creativity - Peter J Frost Is Your Creative Organization Innovative? - Fariborz Damanpour Training Creativity in the Corporation - Robert W Weisberg The View from the Psychological Laboratory Q: Does Feedback Enhance or Inhibit Creativity in Organizations? A: Yes! - James L Farr Everything New under the Gun - Connie J G Gersick Creativity and Deadlines Creativity Training and Hemispheric Function - Craig C Lundberg Bringing the Left Brain Back In Management of Cultural Innovations - Dag Bjoerkengren Why No One Really Wants Creativity - Barry M Staw Shifting the Focus from Individual to Organizational Creativity - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Keith Sawyer Ten Tips toward Creativity in the Workplace - Robert J Sternberg and Todd I Lubart Creative Post-Processing - Kristian Kreiner and Majken Schultz On Making Turbulence Valuable Creativity and the Aesthetics of Imperfection - Karl E Weick PART THREE: REAL WORLD VOICES The Changing Face of Creativity - F Ben Jones Corporate America - Pedro Cuatrecasas Creativity Held Hostage Coaching Your Way to Creativity - Russell C Ford Creating a Creativity Revolution - Delbert H Jacobs Creativity in a Large Company - Alexander MacLachlan All You Have to Do is Ask for It Creativity by Decree - A New Approach - Isaac R Barpal Creativity and Innovation - Philip X Masciantonio Keys for Preventing Environmental Gridlock Creativity in Government - Wellington E Webb The Challenge of Reinventing State Government - John Engler Creativity Today - George Heard Are You Creating Solutions or Problems? - R Larry Wuench Organizing for Innovation - Thoralf Ulrik Qvale From Individual Creativity to Learning Networks Principle-Based Creativity - Timothy F Price Prompting Individual Initiative in Large Organizations Membranes for Gas Separation - Walter L Robb A Case Study in Creativity Why Do You Have to Go `Off-Campus' to Get Creative? - Norman P Findley The Pro-Team - Karl-Erik Sveiby Solving the Dilemma of Organized Creativity in Production Fostering Creativity in Large Organizations - Carole F St Mark Creativity at Woolworth Corporation - C Jackson Gray Acquiring and Managing Creative Talent - Norman E Johnson Creativity through Self-Appraisal - F E Bailey and James R Bailey Organizing for Creativity - Terry O'Connor Ideas Dancing in the Human Being - Robert Michael Burnside Gee Whiz! - So What? - Alan G Chynoweth PART FOUR: UNDERSTANDING AND INFLUENCING CREATIVITY IN ORGANIZATIONS Contrasts and Convergences in Creativity - Dennis A Gioia Themes in Academic and Practitioner Views Striking Inspirational Sparks and Fanning Creative Flames - Cameron M Ford A Multi-Domain Model of Creative Action Taking Guidelines for Creative Action Taking in Organizations - Cameron M Ford and Dennis A Gioia