World Television


From Global to Local

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By Joseph D. Straubhaar
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Joe Straubhaar Amon G. Carter Centennial Professor of Communication and Director of Media Studies E-mail: Office: CMA 6.120 Phone: 512-471-5304 Ph.D., Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, 1981. ARTICLE AND INTERVIEW FEATURING JOE STRAUBHAAR Professor Joseph D. Straubhaar is the Amon G. Carter Centennial Professor of Communications in the Department of Radio-TV-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. He is also Associate Director for International Programs of the Telecommunication and Information Policy Institute at the University of Texas. He was the Director of the Center for Brazilian Studies within the Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies, 2003-2006. His primary teaching, research and writing interests are in global media, international communication and cultural theory, information societies and the digital divide in the U. S. and other countries, and global television production and flow. His graduate teaching includes media theory, global media, comparative media systems, international telecommunications systems, Latin American media, and research methods. His undergraduate teaching covers the same range plus introduction to mass communication and the information society. He does research in Brazil, other Latin America countries, Europe, Asia and Africa, and has taken student groups to Latin America and Asia. He has done seminars abroad on media research, television programming strategies, and telecommunications privatization. He is on the editorial board for the Howard Journal of Communication, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, and Revista INTERCOM. His book, World Television from Global to Local, was published by Sage in 2007. A revised 6th edition of his textbook with Bob LaRose, Media Now, was just published by Wadsworth. He has an edited book, The Persistence of Inequity in the Technopolis: Race, Class and the Digital Divide in Austin, Texas, forthcoming from University of Texas Press. He had an edited book with Othon Jambeiro, Politicas de informacao e comunicacao, jornalismo e inclusao digital: O Local e o Global em Austin e Salvador (Information and communication policy, journalism and digital inclusion: The local and global in Austin and Salvador); Federal University of Bahia Press: 2005. Recent articles and book chapters include: "Broadcast Research in the Americas: Revisiting the Past and Looking to the Future. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Vol. 50(3), 368-382, September 2006. "Multiple Proximities between Television Genres and Audiences: The Schism between Telenovelas' Global Distribution and Local Consumption." Gazette. 67(3): 271-288. "(Re)asserting National Media and National Identity Against the Global, Regional and Local Levels of World Television." In Meenakshi Gigi Durham and Doug Kellner, Eds. Media and cultural studies: Keyworks, Revised Edition. Malden, Mass. Blackwell Publishers, 2005. "The centrality of telenovelas in Latin America life: Past tendencies, current knowledge, and future research." Global Media Journal, Vol. 2, Spring 2003. "Choosing National TV: Cultural Capital, Language, and Cultural Proximity in Brazil." In Michael Elasmar, ed. The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift. Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, 2003. He has published numerous articles and essays on global media, digital inclusion, Brazilian television, Latin American media, comparative analyses of new television technologies, media flow and culture, and other topics appearing in a number of journals, edited books, and elsewhere.

1. A Multilayered World of Television: An Overview Central Issues Globalization and Culture Complexity, Structuration, and Cultural Agents Structural and Cultural Process Frameworks for World Television Roles and Impacts of Technology Asymmetrical Interdependence and Asymmetrical Cultural Interpenetration: A Proposed Model Imported TV Versus Local and National: Producers Localize, Glocalize, and Hybridize Cultural Identification and Proximity Cultural Hybridization 2. Hybridization and the Roots of Transnational, Geocultural and Cultural-Linguistic Markets Precolonial Cultural History and Television Hybridization Emergent Change Versus Hybridization Hybridity and Television The Roots of Transnational, Geocultural, and Cultural-Linguistic Regions and Markets Broadcasting Models: From Colonial to Postcolonial Hybridity and National Development 3. Creating National and Regional Television and Cultural Industries Dependency, the Cold War, and Television Industry Production Cultural Imperialism and Media Imperialism Local Cultural Production Cultural Imports The Nation-State and Television Import Substitution in Cultural Industries Adaptation and Glocalization of Foreign Models The Cultural Role of States: National Security and National Identity Cultural Industries Achieving National Coverage via Satellite Television Above and Below the National Level Glocal Processes and National Identities 4. Creating Global, U.S., and Transnational Television Spaces Globalization, Broadly Defined Economic Globalization Globalization as the Spread of Capitalist Modernity Economic Neoliberalism and American Empire Globalization, Changing National Policy, and the State Global Spread of Market Capitalism Migration as Globalization Transnational Television Asymmetrical Interdependence and World Television 5. Increasing Complexity: The Technology of Creating Global and National Television Spaces Television Technology as a Structuring Force Cycles of Technology Technology and Production Technology and Media Distribution and Flows Satellites TV Technology, Access, and Choice Cable and Satellite TV Relative to Broadcast TV 6. Producing National Television, Glocal and Local Structuring the Producers' World Television Genre and Structure Cultural Industry Producers Economic Boundaries on Television Genre and Program Development Complexity, Patterns, and Genres Cultural Boundaries: Feedback to Producers Complexity, Prefiguration, and Cultural Hybridity Glocalization Localization as Japanization or Brazilianization Structuration and Television Production in Brazil The Hybrid History of the Telenovela National Television Flows and Production TV and Genre Flow Conclusions 7. TV Exporters: From American Empire to Cultural-Linguistic Markets Genre Imperialism? Genres Flowed Before Programs Delocalization Trends Toward Regionalization of Television Overall Trends in Broadcast Television Flows From Program Genre and Idea Flows to Licensed Format Flows Localization of Global and Transnational Television Channels Broadcast Television Genre Flows Versus Satellite, Cable, and Internet Flows 8. Multiple Proximities Between Television Genres and Audiences: Choosing Between National, Transnational, and Global Television Culture-Bound Reception and Multiple Proximities Cultural Capital, Cultural Proximity, and the Audience Layers of Reception Within Brazil and Italy Cultural Proximity Within Culturally Bound Reception Practices 9. Making Sense of World Television: Hybridization or Multilayered Cultural Identities? From Local to Global Multiple Levels of Audience Identity and Cultural Choices The Process of Hybridization Hybridization Versus Multiple Layers of Identity and Culture Multiple Identifications Researching Audiences and Their Identities Cultural Geography: Cultural Distance, Global, National, and Local Identities Language/Culture-Defined Spaces and Markets Multilevel Identities and Social Class Hybridization and Social Class Hybridization: Race and Ethnic Identity Gender Identity and Television Layers of Identity as Boundaries for Choices and Understandings Layers of Identities as Mediators of Media Meaning Reconfiguration and Synthesis of Identities

"The strength of the book resides in data from which the author makes plausible connections to many of the theories that have driven the global/international media studies over the past three decades... the book is a major achievement in the field of global media studies." -- Emile McAnany

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